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"Shut up, I am sleeping," I mumbled. Why do these people always bother me while I am sleeping?

I covered my face with sheets and said, "Go away," dismissing whoever was trying to wake me up with my hand, but they were persistent.

"WHAT?" I screamed as I yanked off the quilt, rubbing my eye.

"Darling," I paused at his deep voice and quickly covered my face with the quilt again. Sleep had vanished from my eyes, and I was wide awake.

I squeezed my eyes shut as he lifted the quilt above my face, slowly opening my eyes to find myself face-to-face with Rudra.

I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, trying to tame it a little.

"Look at me," he said, and I raised my head, looking into his amusement-filled eyes.

"I had no idea you were so grumpy in the morning. Well, here's some coffee for you," he said as he sat down between my legs on the bed and handed me the coffee cup.

I thanked him and took a sip before he said, "You said you like coffee. So I made one for you and brought a coffee machine into the room. You can now drink it whenever you want," he said proudly, pointing behind him.

I shifted my gaze to where he was pointing, and there was a coffee machine on a table near the balcony gate in the corner. I stared at it for a few seconds.

I laughed at the thought of him bringing a coffee machine for me because I enjoy drinking coffee.

"You did not like my idea?" He said it quietly and seemed so hurt that I laughed at his thought.

"No, it is not like that; I like it; how thoughtful of you," I said, softly chuckling once more.

He glared, narrowing his eyes but his expression was playful "Okay then, why are you laughing?" he grumbled.

"Nothing, you are just cute," I said, setting the cup on the side table and rising from the bed.

"I am not cute," he said, sounding as if he was about to start whining.

"But you are," I squished his cheeks and walked to the restroom, laughing at his stunned expression.

I like this new Rudra!!


"Chandini beta, could you please change into something else? Some of my friends are coming for lunch," Maa said as she entered the kitchen. I was making burgers for Athwa because he requested them.

I mentally groaned when she mentioned her friends, because those aunties can not keep their mouths shut. I nodded, smiling at her, and placed two burgers on a plate for my sweetheart.

We went to my room, and I changed clothes while Athwa ate his burger. When I entered the room, Athwa began coughing loudly.

"Sweety, how many times have I told you to eat slowly?" I stroked his back and poured him some water.

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