Part 1

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What happened before: 

When my parents decided to send me to cross boarding school, I was amazed. I always got great grades, so that couldn't be the reason why I had to go there. I mean, like, I'm getting bad grades in school now. No, of course, my parents knew that I always made an effort.If I'm honest, I'm also looking forward to going to this new school. The only thing that confused me was that there was a night class. Confusion was rare for me, even very rare. But why should some have classes at night? You need your sleep, and that's why you should do it during the day. Well, I can only be happy that I'm in the day class.

I just had to clear the first hurdle to get there. And even if you don't believe it, this was it. I'm not a nerd, but I've always had a thirst for knowledge, and it almost broke my heart that I wouldn't have all my books within reach. I took one from each department, so there were 17 books that came with me. Packing the rest of the stuff wasn't that difficult. I ended up with a suitcase that was way too big, and I walked out of my room down to the kitchen.

"Hello, my dear. And are you done packing already?" My mother pulled me out of my thoughts, and I smiled crookedly at her before I nodded. My father also greeted me, and we started breakfast. "I wanted to ask why I have to go there?" I asked a little nervously because I was still a bit afraid that they weren't satisfied with my performance or anything else. "We want the best for you, and since the principal of the school is a friend of ours, we had the idea of sending you to this good school." My father explained it to me, and I nodded. Okay, the principal is a friend of my parents, I hope that's not a disadvantage. After eating, we had to go. I got my suitcase, quickly put on my jacket, and said goodbye to my mother and father.

Unfortunately, my mother couldn't come with me because she had to work. After saying goodbye, my father and I drove off. During the drive, I kept thinking about how it would be and playing nervously with my jacket. Was the new school really good for me? Oh god, I was nervous. When I looked out the window, I already saw the school a beautiful and huge castle. Now it was time. My father dropped me off there and got my suitcase out of the trunk. He gave me a hug as a goodbye, and I watched the car pull away and head through the gate resolutely. I saw a girl with short brown hair that reached her shoulders. "Hello, you must be Lee Yn? I'm Ria." She smiled, and I kind of liked it immediately. I nodded at her, and she motioned for me to come with her. She took away my nervousness a bit because she was so nice. But I was a bit shy. You could probably tell by looking at me, but I tried not to behave like that. She, on the other hand, was direct and cheerful at the same time. She led me to the principal and would stay with me when we got there, which I thought was nice of her. On the way, we talked a bit about school. I also didn't notice that we quickly arrived at the principal's office. Ria went in first.

"Welcome to Cross Academy, Lee Yn!" the principal shouted happily as I walked in. He held his arms up and was a little crazy to me. Now I would like to know how he and my father met and if he was always like that. To be honest, I didn't even know what to say in response to that other than smile nicely and mumble a thank-you. "Actually, Jungkook should be coming as well." Who? And then there was a knock on the door, and a boy with black hair came in. "Yn this is Jeon Jungkook, and Jungkook, this is your new classmate." Jungkook looked at me briefly and his gaze was still cold when he came in. I always had to avoid looking like that. That intimidated me.

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