Part 18

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Now I was in a tight spot, if not a big one. With my eyes lowered, I looked at my hands, which I had on my knees. I don't want to drag anyone else into this thing with Him. "Why circumstances? That doesn't bother us."
"I'm just saying you have to study and sleep and then take care of me, that's annoying."
"Annoying? You're not a nuisance, I like you and want to protect you." Hobi looked at me seriously and put a hand on my hands, which I had on my knees and now felt them shaking slightly. I automatically lifted my head and my cheeks grew warm.

The amused looks of the others were on us and Hobi immediately removed his hand from mine. Then it got quiet and one by one a few of the night class students left. In the end only Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and I were sitting here. "Let's do something different." He got up and I followed him into another room. In the room there was also a table with two chairs where we sat down.
"And what do we do now, just sitting here is boring." I said dejectedly, because I was still uncomfortable and it didn't help me to forget. Hobi grinned at me.
"How about we test our knowledge?"

"Well better than doing nothing and see who's smarter." We grinned at each other and agreed that he should start asking me a question. We also agreed that with each answer you ask the other a question until you get the wrong one and it's over.
"I'll start off very simply. When were most death sentences against witches extended?"
Yn: "Modern times. When did the knights live?'

Hobi: "From 500 to 1500 AD. Which country did the renaissance come from?"
Yn: "From Italy. What is parchment?
Hobi: "Very thin sheep or goat skin. What is a calamus?"
Yn: "An ancient writing instrument made from the stalk of sugar cane or silt. What is beryl?"
Hobi: "A transparent mineral rock. Which magician did the Pythagoras oracle come from?"

You had to give him one thing, he really knew a lot and our questions became more difficult. It was only now that I realized that we had stood up due to the tension and had leaned over the table.

Yn: "From Astrampsychos. Next to the Passion Play, which form of drama is considered the most important in the Middle Ages?"
Hobi: "Mystery play. Now the hardest question I have. Who is the prettiest here at school?"

Okay from there I didn't know what to do because there was no proven and logical answer. "What's that question Hobi?" "You didn't answer it." He said sweetly and grinned. I thought for a moment.
"Um... Namjoon?"
"Question or answer?"
"Man Hobi stop that's stupid! Yes then just answer." He continued to grin and seemed to be sure of victory.
"No." Then the vampire leaned in even more and kissed me. Again I was perplexed and briefly caught in a rigid state. Why is he kissing me now?
He pulled away from me as we heard murmurs. Now the whole troupe arrived who had just missed it so narrowly, but weren't stupid anyway.

"Ouhi a couple." Jimin whispered with a grin and I just looked at him angrily. It wasn't like that!
"No you don't understand. He kissed me." I replied, outraged and embarrassed that I had to justify myself. But the culprit didn't like that either, because he just looked away in embarrassment. My collar was slowly bursting.
Everyone kissed me without saying a reason. I slammed my hand on the table and Hobi looked at me intently. The others also paid attention to me. "Please tell me a reason why you kissed me, because you didn't give me any signs! I don't understand you!" I said as clearly as I could. While the vampire was very nice to me, I thought we were friends. However, I hadn't noticed that it went further.

"I'm sorry, but I like you a lot." His cheeks flushed red as he ended up pouting a bit. Now that totally surprised me. A noble vampire felt for a human? Was he even allowed to feel something like that for me?
"Why didn't you tell her?" Yoongi asked his cousin.
"Don't they say actions speak louder than words?"
"Yes, but you can see what has become of it." "That's fine. Hobi, I just don't want to give you false hope. You're my best friend, but nothing more. I'm really sorry for you." I said honestly and was sad about it myself. It was no different for me either, I especially didn't want to hurt him. Instead of being sad about my answer, he smiled at me.

"That's what I thought. You love someone else and I know who too." He whispered this sentence in my ear so that only I could hear it. I blushed at his whisper that he saw through me.
"Don't worry, it'll work out." I believed that less and less with every encounter with Jungkook. "Who are you talking about?" Yoongi asked.
"Sorry, that's our secret!" Hobi and I laughed.

"I don't want to be mean and compliment you on being the smartest person I know."
"Thank you very much. You're the smartest vampire I know." I complimented him back and he smiled contentedly. I yawned. Now I was really exhausted and tired.
"Come on I'll take you to your dorm, I sometimes forget that we have to sleep at different times." I just nodded. I said goodbye to the others before we started walking.
"I hope you still enjoyed the day."

"Yes it has. You kept me busy and got my mind off things, that felt really good and I'm really grateful to you for that." I said and gave him a sincere smile.
He smiled at me the same way and we silently walked side by side. I suddenly felt really exhausted, but also excited. So many things in one day. Sometimes I looked at him and I saw him smiling and walking on. It seemed to me faster than usual this time when we arrived. Hobi apologized again and we hugged goodbye. I went in and ran up the stairs wearily. I didn't even bother to change to my room. I quickly fell asleep and told myself beforehand that it would get better, that something nice would await me.

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