Part 6

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"Hey you two, please don't argue." Ria tried to mediate. "Arrogant idiot." "Naive bitch." We murmured and glared at each other. "You're not my mother, so you have nothing to say to me!" I vented my anger at him, whereupon he yelled back: "I'm not, you're right." Somehow I cared about his words, which is why my anger not smoked.

"Oh, so I'm not even one of your friends! Funny before, you gave me this feeling even though we didn't get along that well at first. I thought that was behind us, and I'm one of your few friends!" I was disappointed. He really made me feel like he liked me a little and that I, like Ria, could be his friend. "Damn, you're one of my friends too, but you don't understand!" Jungkook now held my shoulders with his hands and continued to yell at me. I hadn't really noticed that he was so close to me. "A heart and a soul, or maybe what teases loves each other." gushed one of the other boys, smiling broadly. Was he serious?"What! Are you crazy!" Jungkook and I exclaimed indignantly and looked at each other briefly before we calmed down. The boy jumped when we yelled at him and looked just as angry. "Hey you two now stop and shake hands, as a peace offering." Ria walked between us, taking turns looking between Jungkook and me. I heard Jungkook sigh and looked at him briefly. He ran his right hand through his beautiful hair. Why was I thinking of such a thing? He looked at me and held out his hand.

"Peace?" "Peace," I agreed, grabbing his hand. Ria was, of course, happy about that. "Well, I think it's better if we talk some other time, but Ria you can come." Taehyung said after Jungkook and I broke our hands. Ria nodded shyly and walked over to him, and he whispered something to her that made her laugh. I looked at her questioningly as she came back, but she just pushed us out. "How about we go into town tomorrow and do some shopping?" "If I have to." Jungkook probably wasn't thrilled. She looked at me expectantly. "Okay." I smiled at her.

Jungkook Pov: 

Great, now I have to go into town with the two tomorrow. Why is it always me? "It suits me that we go into town tomorrow," said Yn. "Why that?" "It's my mother's birthday soon, and I want to send her something." Yn looked happy as she spoke about her mother, as she had a gentle smile on her lips. "Exactly, you haven't told us anything about your family yet." Ria has always been curious. "There's not much to tell, I have my parents. And you?"

"I would love to see your family. The rector would certainly like to see your father again and then get to know your family. Well, I don't even know if I still have parents." Yn looked at her frightened because she felt uncomfortable not thinking about what Ria's story was at first and therefore hugged her friend. "Right, I'm sorry. I'm so terribly sorry I asked and forgot you told me your story."

Ria tried to calm Yn: "It's okay, at first you don't really think about it, after all we haven't known each other for long." She let go of Ria and now looked a little relieved. Then the girl turned to me and didn't look directly into my eyes. "I don't want to ask you; otherwise, I'll do something wrong again. You can tell me your family story yourself, anytime you want." I was amazed."I have an idea. How about if Yn comes with us to the rector, Since we're going to stay in our room today anyway, she can stay in the guest room." How did Ria come up with this idea, please? Not that I have anything against it, but we could meet as usual at the dorm tomorrow. Yn looked a bit insecure, and that was actually the first time I saw her like that. Despite everything, she looked pretty. Why am I thinking this? idiot, I can not deal with these thoughts. "Okay, but you have to ask first." Yn remarked.

"Oh, Jungkook and I are just asking, and it won't be a problem while you go to the dorm to pack some things." Before I could react, Ria pulled my sleeve with her. We almost ran to the principal's office. "Good evening, you two; what can I do for you?" "Mr. Rector, could Yn stay in our guest room?" Ria asked cheerfully. She really liked Yn very much.

"I don't mind, but that's not how you ask your father. Call me dad." Always the same thing. It's getting boring, and I was convinced that Ria would never call Mr. Kurosu that on her own. "Okay...Dad." At Ria's hesitant words, the principal was happy, and before he would freak out, I pulled her out with me. Ria decided to get our new friend, so I continued on my way and started eating in the rector's apartment. At some point, the two also came with the rector. The atmosphere at the table was different than usual. It was probably all because of Yn.

Yn's Pov: 

Late in the evening, when we went to bed, I lay down in the guest bed with a queasy feeling. Maybe it was because it was different here than in my dorm room. But even when I fell asleep, that feeling didn't go away.

I ran happily through a forest. The sun was shining bright and warm down on me and the question why I was here slowly receded into the background. I had hardly seen such a beautiful forest and I enjoyed the atmosphere that prevailed here.
A knee-length white dress accentuated my body.
When I came to a clearing, I was amazed. It was big, brightly lit and just beautiful. But when I took a step on top of her, it suddenly got dark and instead of the silver light of the moon, a reddish glow shone down on me and I looked up.
He was red, blood red.
Suddenly my whole body was shaking. It got really cold. Suddenly something stirred from the bushes and a person, or rather the shadow of a person, came out. I could only see his lips moving to tell me something, but nothing got through to me. Since all this seemed very suspicious to me, I slowly backed away while the person kept coming towards me.
Suddenly I tripped over something and fell backwards. As I looked to see why I stumbled, all color drained from my face. I couldn't help but scream because I saw bodies in front of me. corpses which was my friends and family.

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