Part 22

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We accepted the list and set off. Jungkook read the list while walking, so we would find our way around faster. I, on the other hand, used the time more to think. I've been doing it more and more lately and I noticed something. The rector also went along with Ria's plan and wanted us to get along. I thought it was nice, but there were ulterior motives, I could see that clearly.

"Ria was right, the dress suits you." Jungkook's words snapped me out of my thoughts and made me look at him with wide eyes. Did he compliment me? He told me that made me happy, but also confused me a bit because he never actually did anything like that. It seemed strange to him too, because he hardly ever looked at me.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me to hear it from you." As soon as I said that, I felt ashamed. I openly admitted that something like this means a lot to me and Jungkook was finally smart enough to understand. At first he didn't change his expression until I just saw the corners of his mouth twitch up.
"Then let's get this chore done and we'll have time after that."
"I'll go with you everywhere, no matter where, until Sunday." We gave each other a fleeting grin.
Every day that had passed showed me how much I had fallen in love with him, although it didn't seem like it at first. He confused my feelings, which I could hardly understand myself. We arrived in town and quickly got the requested items on the list.

I think it was the only time we had a lot of fun together or even talked, because there was no silence, it was lively between us. It was weird but also a familiar feeling among friends or more. Jungkook was more relaxed than usual and that just infected me. The shopping list wasn't too long, but we had to go in several stores. When we had everything he pulled me into an ice cream dilée.

People all looked at us, even until we sat down. Then I quickly realized why they were looking at us, after all you don't see two handcuffed people walking through the city every day. Even when we ordered they were still looking. It annoyed me a bit, but I was particularly uncomfortable. I was also amazed when the waitress asked Jungkook if he was in the night class, which he immediately said no.

She seemed kind of nervous or rather just like a day class girl. I hadn't noticed that he had such a charisma for others. "For strangers you radiate what they have." I said as I started to eat my ice cream. He just grumbled, showing that of course he didn't like hearing comparisons made by someone in the Night Class.
"Jungkook, I have some questions for you." I had to jump over my shadow and so I would either end up with a bad feeling when it was Sunday and were free or even feel joy. It was entirely up to the answers Jungkook would give me, even though I might not want to hear it.

"Then shoot." I thought about how to start since the order was important.
"So first of all, I'd like to know if you hate me?"
"No of course not."
"Do you like me?" There was still a difference between liking someone and just accepting it. He didn't answer as quickly this time, which unsettled me.

I was about to ask more when he said something else: "Very much so." My heart jumped in the air and pounded louder in my chest than before.
"Is that why the kiss?" He nodded in response and more and more thoughts came to my mind.
"Why did you reject me after that?" I was aware that he wasn't open about feelings, but rejection wasn't a choice either.
"I couldn't let myself hurt you, which I already did." He avoided my gaze, making me feel numb. Is that why all this?

"But Jungkook, you can't help it. Why are you one if you hate vampires?" This was confusing and I wanted clarity on it and it was better to hear it from him, all of it.
"A pureblood bit me, and if you don't ingest its blood, you become delusional and turn into a level E vampire." His eyes turned sad as he thought about it.
"Shizuka Hio?" he nodded.

That's why he hates vampires and I could understand him. "My brother Ichiru went with her after she murdered our parents." That was the first time he told me about his past. I had offered him that if he wanted to talk about it, he could come to me.
"It's awful, I'm sorry. But Jungkook despite that concern, what if I felt the same way for you?" I had to ask and I felt my body tense. The answer I was waiting for made me nervous. He thought about it and finally he smiled, which had something bitter about it.

"You would be the first to like me a lot, but I don't want to hurt you. On the one hand I want to protect you from everything, no matter what I am and to make you happy." His gentle look was unusual or even that he showed feelings that he also expressed I didn't know from him. Still, there was a hint of seriousness, no matter how uncomfortable it was for him. I got very warm.
"I trust you and if I can help you with my blood I would let you drink. I want to enjoy the time with you, I want to be happy with you...I always want to see you smile." Tears came to my eyes because I realized these words myself and was able to admit them openly.
"Does that mean you really love me?" I nodded, after all I didn't care what he was because feelings didn't count for things like that.

Jungkook lifted my chin and forced me to look at him. "Even if I didn't want to admit it for your good and for my own sake, I don't want to stay away from you and devote myself to what connects us. Otherwise it makes it harder not to love you and I hope it goes well."
His words made me so happy that I smiled broadly at him despite the tears. He brought his face closer until his lips met mine for the second time. My eyes closed automatically and I enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms and the kiss. My ice had long since melted, as had my heart. This love was new and being alone was over.

Winter lowered its white blanket to us from the sky. It had gotten significantly colder, but it was nice and warm in the house. I loved the snow, that's why I went out. Alone. Mom and Dad didn't take me outside. They watched at the window as I played in the snow. Since that incident with the stranger, they often left me alone. But I also had fun alone.
Days later I dreamed for the first time of this stranger and his promise. Everything had changed now, as I perceived it. My parents behaved differently. They didn't show me their love for me as often as before. Even though I knew they loved me, it made me incredibly sad to see how hesitantly and shakily they hugged me at first. It made me think at first that I had done something wrong.
Even though I was only 7 years old, I could see this situation clearly without any misunderstandings. They didn't even wonder that I was so quiet and spent more time with books. It was beyond sad...

Years passed and nothing changed like it did when I was 8 years old. But I was glad that all of us were fine, even though I knew that time was running out until HE came. With not too much love, but with the memories of my family and friends, I would leave this world and I wouldn't mind. I knew they were safe, so I let fate take its course as it should...

Flashback end:

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