Part 4

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"What's on your mind you monster!" wait, this was true, that was Jungkook's voice. Now, through my tears, I saw Ria standing in front of me with a long staff and Jungkook holding me, a gun trained on the vampire. Then a shot was fired and the vampire flinched. A light shone over him that must have come from Jungkook. "Jungkook could you please put your gun away, it's a threat to us vampires." Now a new voice could be heard.

"Your people broke the rules." Jungkook hissed. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." The boy walked over to the other two and slapped the culprit, who bit me first. "We're sorry Taehyung." Both vampires said. What Taehyung was the other! Then he was also one of those vampires. "We have to erase her memory of it," Taehyung said, stepping up to me. What! He wanted me to forget everything that just happened. "No, I do not want to! Let go of me, Jungkook!" I yelled in exasperation and yanked myself out of his arms, but I fell down and hit my head and passed out. 

When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital room. What happened? And what am I doing here? As far as I know, the last time I was invited to dinner by Mr. Kurosu. I heard a knock and the door opened.

"Hey Yn how are you?" Ria asked. Jungkook and the principal were there too. "Fine, I'm just confused."
"Why confused?" I looked at Ria, because she also knew that I was rarely confused, after all I've told a lot about myself and this quality was one of them. Something told me Ria knew what was going on.
"Anyway, I have to get up and get some air." I sat up and wanted to get up.
"Be careful, when you stumbled you hit your head hard, it may cause dizziness upon waking." Jungkook cautioned carefully. I had stumbled? Was he worried about me? Mhmm Ria doesn't seem worried about my injury. No, her gaze was something else.
"Yes, I'll be careful."

"We're on duty anyway and have to go too." Jungkook said, and Ria nodded in agreement. Something told me to go with them, so I followed them and stood by a tree to watch. The Nightclass a mystery shrouded them. 

My intuition told me to go to my room and open my history book. I had observed everything quietly and finally I left. I hurried to my room and opened the book. At first, my gut didn't say anything as I leafed through it. I can't be that wrong. But at a certain chapter it said stop and I should read it. It was about the Middle Ages and the myth of vampires. I quickly grabbed another book and discovered possible characteristics of vampires. Wait vampires! Suddenly my head hurt like it was about to explode. Now a memory came back to me. That was last night's incident! Either I forgot it because of the fall, or someone helped me. I got angry like never before. That was unbelievable, how can you do something like that to me! I quickly put a note between the pages of the book and closed it. When I left my room, I almost ran into Ria. She was about to say something when I forestalled her: "You and I will get Jungkook and then go to the principal without any arguments!" She looked at me in surprise and nodded a little anxiously. We went to Jungkook's room and I didn't react any differently. "Come with me, quickly!" he came anyway, and we went together and quickly to the principal. On the way, neither of them said anything. I knocked once hard and went in. There I saw that Taehyung was there too.

"How fitting! I'm sorry for bothering you, but it's very important that I need to talk to you." Principal Kurosu saw Taehyung look a little surprised. I opened the book and slammed it on the table. "I know it, I can remember again, and this time I won't let them take it from me. I would be owed that." Whenever I was this angry I liked to eat something made of chocolate or biscuits, but this time I had to do without. "I would like an explanation, please." Taehyung and Principal Kurosu looked at each other briefly and saw me before looking at me again."Well, we're really sorry, but we want to keep the night class secret. And if you don't say anything, you can keep your memory." said the rector, and I calmed down a bit. "Yes, she can, but promise and don't worry, the two perpetrators, especially Jimin got their punishment." Taehyung added, which relieved me even more. "Okay, and thank you for saving everyone." Now it was my turn to say thank you, finally I was kind and grateful.

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