Part 26

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Jungkook Pov:

Not only did it piss me off asking him for help, but also that he knew more than any of us. Why was he the only one who knew what had happened to her? If any of us had known that, I would have tried to prevent it. "Why would he make a pact with her parents?" Another pureblood is at play, ruining lives. Wasn't just one of those arrogant creatures enough?! Apparently not and this guy was after Yn now, my Yn.
"The cause is still unclear, but he's looking for someone in particular and it looks like it might be her. How is she at the moment?" As if he really cared. She was just a pawn to him.

"Yn neither eats nor speaks. Your gaze wanders around blankly." I answered Taehyung, who now seemed to think about it.
"She must know him, she's already quite distraught."
"Can't you do anything, I mean forbid him to go near her or something?" He had to say that he could do such a thing. He had to!
He shook his head. I gritted my teeth in anger. I didn't believe him. "No, unfortunately not. It's his business what he does and we have no control over that. But I have a plan for this little game if you're interested, Taehyung." He grinned slightly and looked at me. I was curious what kind of plan the so-oh-great pure-blood Kim Taehyung had.

Yn's Pov:

I sat on Jungkook's bed and kept crying. I couldn't help it. It was killing me. I had just won Jungkook, him by my side to be happy and suddenly everything should come to an end. I kept thinking of the image of Jungkook smiling at me and pulling me into his arms. My heart felt warm, so I got up and opened the window wide. The cool air should cool me down a bit and calm me down. Then I lay on the bed and tried to sleep. I even managed to get some sleep without a nightmare. I only woke up again when I noticed something in the room. It was nice to be checked on, but I desperately needed more sleep. "Ria, Jungkook please let me sleep." I mumbled while still half asleep and didn't even look at her.

So I kept my eyes closed until laughter prompted them to open. Goosebumps immediately covered my skin. "Hello my little one." Panic rose in me. Katsuro. He must have come through the window. Damn, why did I leave it open?! He approached me and knelt in front of me. Now he had made it, he had found me. Katsuro leaned closer to me and looked deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but look into his eyes. Was that the power of the purebloods? Suddenly I felt dizzy and my vision became more and more blurred until my vision went black and I lost consciousness. The last thought I had was that I should have thanked Jungkook for his help and love for me and that he should stay strong. Unfortunately, all of this would remain unsaid.

Jungkook's Pov:

That's the last time I listen to that pureblood! I just want Yn to be safe, but he wasn't much of a help. Shortly after I left the house of the moon, Ria ran towards me. She was breathing heavily and looked at me a bit scared. What happened? "Jungkook is Yn with you?" Every alarm bell rang inside me, churning. "No. Isn't she in the room anymore?" That couldn't be true. I just hoped that she was somewhere in the house or even in the school building and just hadn't called.

"When I wanted to bring her something sweet and returned, she was no longer in the room and the window was wide open." No! I grabbed Ria's wrist and quickly pulled her behind me to get back to the back to the moon dorm. Taehyung was now standing with the other night class students as if they were already expecting us.

"Ynist is no longer there, he has probably already kidnapped her." I said loudly and hoped that he now saw that he had to do something. It couldn't be that another powerful vampire could simply do something illegal when people were under his protection. He and the others recognized the seriousness of the situation.
Nothing could happen to her! Now I've managed to open my heart to her and now everything should have been in vain? Damn we have to hurry. "Maybe I can help you." A male voice suddenly sounded and all heads turned in his direction. Yagari.

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