Part 16

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Hobi's Pov:
After we got out of the forest and headed towards the gate, I pointed something out to her. "The incident must be reported to Taehyung." She had to say something, no matter if she wanted to protect Jungkook, because it could have ended differently.
"Um...I'd rather tell you and then you tell Taehyung." Yn gave me an almost pleading look and I was immediately moved, so I nodded. I couldn't say no to her expression of sadness.

"Well, I was in the forest because a child ran into it, but then suddenly it was gone. Right after that a man appeared who attacked me. He was a vampire. Jungkook saved me and prevented the worst."
"Then why did he leave you alone?" I said beside myself.
"He didn't, I lost sight of him." Was she serious now? You could tell she was lying. Although I hadn't been friends with her for very long, I didn't buy that, even if it didn't look like she did.

"Okay, I'll pass it along to Taehyung," I announced as we approached her dorm. Relieved, she didn't thank and disappeared through the door when we arrived. But she had been strange to me today, since she usually spoke to me more cheerfully. I now made my way to Taehyung. Even on the way, Yn's sad face wouldn't let me go. When I was almost there, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon came towards me.
"Why did you leave so quickly earlier?" Namjoon.
"Yn was in danger."
"What Yn?!" "Calm down and don't start crying. Yn's fine.' He's annoying sometimes.
"So you saved her?"
"No Namjoon, I got her. Jungkook saved her, but I have to tell Taehyung now." I pushed through the door between them.

I quickly rushed up the stairs and when I got to Taehyung's room I knocked. He let me in and I entered. I kept my word and told him everything Yn had told me. Meanwhile, Taehyung looked out the window where he was standing.
"Why steady her? Hobi, you will get some information about Yn with the others." Taehyung said and turned to me.
"Yes Taehyung." I bowed and left. Below I shared everything with the others as well as our task.

Yn's Pov:
I was grateful to Hobi for taking me back to school, but that didn't help my mood either. I went straight to my room and locked the door. I just wanted to think and that was best when I was alone without anyone being able to hinder me. I sat down on my bed and drew my legs to my knees.
My first thought was Jungkook's kiss. He kissed me and I don't think Jungkook was the type of man to do something just like that, but for a specific and emotional reason. That was the first thing I had to deal with today.
The second point was what should I tell him? I also wondered what he meant by that. Was it out of love or out of pity, that was the question. Now I remembered that the curfew was already over. I would love to talk to him and even if I otherwise accepted the rules, it wouldn't leave me alone today, which is why I decided to break them for once. So I got up and unlocked the door.

As soon as it was open I went out or rather snuck out. Goosebumps crept over my skin. Was it fear? After experiences like this, I had my doubts when I was alone here in the dark. I didn't want to be attacked again, but I couldn't prevent it. I would like to, but I couldn't, so I couldn't get used to it. Who would? No one! Although I was only bitten once and the culprit Hobi is now a friend, nothing made it better. A strange feeling came over me, but I shook it away. Now it was only important to find Jungkook.

I didn't even start my search in the school building, I would be caught immediately. For this I searched every corner outside on the premises. When I was about to give up, I finally found him in the garden where the fountain was. He didn't look like he was in good shape but was struggling with something like he was in pain. At that moment I felt sorry for him, so I quickly went to him. For me he had also been there when I felt bad at night and now I wanted to do the same for him. When he saw me he wanted to say something, but I didn't even give him the chance.
"Before you say anything, I want to tell you something. Jungkook I don't know what's going on and why you kissed me, I have suspicions but I'd like you to talk about things like this first or something like that." I pointed to my heart, meaning he finally had feelings with me should talk. He kept hiding and you could never really judge what he was feeling.
"Yn we'll talk about it another time," he said very sharply and clearly, although he had intended a softer tone.
I flinched at his words, which sounded as sharp as a blade, but I didn't want to be intimidated.

"No Jungkook! I'm not intimidated anymore. I need answers!" Now that was the end of it.
"Go away, leave me alone, I don't want to see you!" That went deep. His words hurt. It was almost as if a blade had pierced me, really. I shook my head sadly. He couldn't mean it like that, something was wrong. Jungkook was standing by the fountain and I decided to sit down next to him. He sighed heavily and it really looked like he was in pain. He had supported his hands on the edge of the well and tried to claw into the solid rock.

His panting breath fully confirmed my assumption. His body was tense and I was starting to get really worried. What did he have? Was he sick? I got a real fright when Jungkook suddenly fell to his knees and convulsed even more from the pain than at first. I desperately wanted to help him and wanted to bend down to him, but he crawled to me. Somehow I got unsettled about the whole thing. His aura was comical, almost dark. A shiver ran down my spine.
"Jungkook what's wrong?" I asked with a slightly trembling voice. He didn't answer me though, instead Jungkook leaned towards my neck. I felt his hot breath. I didn't understand what was wrong with him, he scared me.

Suddenly I was all the more shocked when he licked the crook of my neck. It was so uncomfortable and I wanted to push him away, but that didn't help, Jungkook was too strong for me.
"Jungkook what is this? Stop it!" He didn't say anything and I slowly fought back the tears that formed in my eyes.

The next moment I cried out in sharp pain. Jungkook had his teeth rammed into my neck. It hurt so much that I cried now.
"No Jungkook please. What's going on?!" I pushed him away as hard as I could. That was enough for him to move away from me. When I looked at him, my eyes widened. Red glowing eyes looked back at me, he was covered in blood and now had the fangs of a vampire. I immediately put my hand on the painful area and then looked at it. Blood. I immediately pushed her back there. Jungkook was a vampire?
"Yn I'm sorry."

"You're a vampire?!" I was stunned.
"I'm becoming one of the most dangerous of the bunch. Stay away from me in the future. I don't want to hurt you again." Despite those words, he still looked like he was in pain, like internal pain was "So a level E, but Jungkook" I paused to organize my thoughts.
"Don't say anything else." Jungkook took off his tie and pulled it around my neck like a scarf. Before I could say anything, he immediately disappeared. Tears continued to flow silently down my cheeks. It was too much for me. Jungkook. A short time after his disappearance I heard voices coming towards me.
"Taehyung this is Yn blood." Hobi.

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