Part 14

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Yn's Pov: 

Whether it was love, I could not answer exactly. Maybe it was more of a feeling that showed me that he is like a brother to me. "Oh Yn we have a day off from school tomorrow." Ria said, and my mood improved in no time, and Ria seemed very happy about it too. I was already planning what I wanted to do tomorrow. When we were on our way to our dorm, the night class came towards us. "Yn" Hobi exclaimed cheerfully as usual and gave me a big hug. It really took some getting used to, that the vampire greeted me like that and didn't start a new attempt to get my blood. Ria's jaw dropped, Jungkook gave him death looks, and it looked like he wanted to kill him and the others looked confused, except for Taehyung who seemed to have already known.

"What's going on here?" Namjoon asked.
"Let her go!" Jungkook growled. In fact, he let go of me and we just grinned at each other. While it was still weird, it didn't feel bad.
"We became friends dancing at the ball and she could dance very well." I giggled, he had to say that, after all he was the better dancer.

"Here." Jin held out picking sticks to me. I loved chocolate candy and cookies, which made me smile unconsciously. I accepted and ate. The others laughed because I was reacting to what was like a little kid. I acknowledged it only with a pout.
"Don't you have any classes?"
"No, we're free and tomorrow is too." Taehyung replied, whereupon Jungkook just snorted. Then we all went our separate ways. On the way I met Yumi.
"I shall give that to you. It's from your family." At first I didn't believe it, but I was incredibly happy about it.
"Thanks." I took the package and unpacked it in my room. A book with a letter appeared.

Hello, my dear,
We are glad that you like it there.
We miss you at home. We wish
Have fun and hope you enjoy the book
Mom dad

I had to grin and discovered another letter.

One thing was certain, I would go visit her during the holidays. After thinking about my family for a bit, I looked at the book. "Vampires, myth or truth?" What a coincidence, vampires really existed and I was a victim and a witness at the same time. But well, I was too happy to bother with such thoughts.

The weather was also good and that made it perfect. So I decided to stretch my legs. I wrote Ria and Yumi a note that I would go for a walk outside because they wanted to come to me and would otherwise worry. I also walked around the school grounds for the first few minutes, but when I caught a shadow at the gate my curiosity got piqued. So I ran there and the figure with his back to me had to be a child.
Suddenly it kept running and worried that it couldn't find its parents, I followed it, after all, what was a child doing here on the premises. Next came the recognition that it was a boy in the forest. We came into a gloomy part of the forest, which gave me goosebumps. The boy suddenly disappeared as I surveyed my surroundings.

Oh no how am I supposed to find out here on my own? With a sigh, I lowered myself onto a tree stump, pulled my knees to my body, and rested my head on them. Do I have to stay here now or what? I sat like that until sunset. Nobody knew where I was and that was the worst thing about it.
I heard something rustling in the bushes and jumped up, thinking it was one of my friends. But it was a young man.
Disappointment spread through me. Something made all the alarm bells ring in me. Something was wrong with the man here.
"It's so easy to find something to eat." He said with a grin, which made me startle. A vampire! Without thinking long, I turned and ran. Why always me? Even if it wouldn't do me much good, I couldn't just stand there motionless. Turning to my enemy, I suddenly stumbled over something, which elicited a small scream from my throat.

"Your blood will satiate me, as tempting as it smells." He was close behind me and I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Damn I must have scraped it and some blood spilled. What do I do now? I was preparing for my end as he came towards me. I closed my eyes because I couldn't do anything on my own. A human didn't stand a chance.
But the end didn't come. I snapped my eyes open despite the fear inside me. Suddenly Jungkook stood in front of me and protected me. I hadn't even heard him. Where did he suddenly come from?
"Yn run away!" I listened to him because I would only stand in his way.
My feet hurriedly led me away from the two of them to a ruined little villa. A fight must have taken place here a very long time ago, since the smashed stones were already somewhat covered by plants. From here I saw the fight of Jungkook and the vampire.

I could clearly see how much he hated vampires, as fiercely as he fought. In my train of thought, I no longer had the two of them in mind, which is why I noticed too late that this vampire was standing in front of me. I widened my eyes in shock. At the last moment, Jungkook reached me and gave the vampire the final push, which was his coup de grace. Dust swirled around us as it turned to dust.
My arms wrapped around my rescuer in shock. He was surprised at first, but then he put his arms around me protectively and tenderly.
"You don't have to be afraid anymore Yn." His words, which he whispered to me, made me look at him with tears in my eyes.

What was the feeling I had now? No word wanted to come out of my lips, I could only look at him. Jungkook let go of me and he did the same. Minutes passed in our silent gaze. His eyes kept getting softer, then something unexpected happened.
He hugged me tightly and I felt his lips on mine. A kiss with a lot of feeling and tenderness, which was not expected at the beginning. I was still so surprised that I couldn't react. Banned from him. So he felt something for me. This realization delighted me so much in a way I didn't expect.
It was a kiss in ruins, in an old ruin.

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