Part 27

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Jungkook and I sat on the dirty floor and leaned against the door. The little blood from me helped him to heal his wounds a bit, but we still needed more energy to get home. Now that it was all over, I was at a loss for words and just felt awkward. Actually, I should be more than happy, but I still had a dull feeling. I couldn't really describe why I felt this way.

"It's terrible what your parents did." Jungkook broke our silence first and continued to hold me in his arms. I had told him everything my parents had told me. Everything that had hurt me so much and the great betrayal. Is that why I feel this way now? After all, I was sure of one thing, I would break off all contact with my parents for now. I couldn't and didn't want to forgive what you did, at least not at first.

"We should go if we want to arrive before sunset." I nodded and was about to get up when Jungkook picked me up. He carried me out of the church in bridal style and at first I wanted to object, but somehow I felt too weak for it. Everything would probably be fine now, at least that's what I had a feeling. Katsuro was history now and I didn't have to be afraid anymore. And I found it even more important and nicer that I could have Jungkook by my side. Speaking of which, I remembered something.
"How did you actually know where I am and how did you manage that so quickly?"

"Your book helped us with that. When it was actually certain that it was the church, I ran straight away." He must have been exhausted. Maintaining a brisk pace all the way, struggling and now carrying me couldn't let him down. I knew it for a long time, but even more so now, Jungkook was strong. He was able to stop his fate and somehow he mastered every situation and even now without collapsing. That showed strength and not only that of a vampire, no, his personality and his will. I was absolutely convinced that he would continue to protect me. I smiled and leaned against his chest, nodding off and on. I couldn't sleep if he couldn't.

Eventually we reached the school gate. we were back I was really happy and from here Jungkook was able to let me down. As soon as we entered the premises and I wanted to say something to him, Ria stormed towards me. "Yn! Jungkook! You're back and you're fine!" I laughed into her hug.
"It's alright, but thanks Ria." She let go of me and I realized that she was crying. Oh dear the poor thing must have been worried. As soon as she moved away, I was pulled into Jhope's arms.
"I missed you so much Yn!" I had to smile. Maybe I wasn't even gone a day or half and I got such a reception. After a long and heartbreaking hug from my favorite night class vampire, Yoongi hugged me.

"Yn welcome back!" It was all so crazy here. The rest of the night class, the principal and Uncle Yagari also gave us or me a warm welcome. The principal immediately sent me and Jungkook to the infirmary first thing and I had to have my wrist treated. Jungkook instead kept me company and didn't leave my side.
Silence was announced for the next two days and I spent them back in the rector's rooms. In the next few days the holidays would also start and we were already planning what we would do together, since I wouldn't be going home I could stay with them and Jungkook and I also wanted to spend time together. I had a strange feeling about the holidays, but I didn't want to think about it. Jungkook and I now had our happy ending and I knew one thing, we would spend a lot of time together.


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