Part 9

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Yn's Pov:

 "What did you want to talk about?" Was he really asking? He sat down on the bed and gave me a cold look, as he often did. This guy's been really annoying me with his behavior lately. You never knew where you were headed or if what you said or did was right. You almost got a head trauma from that. "It bothers me how you are to me! What was all this about at noon today? I was so scared and worried about what's wrong with you." I began, honestly, standing right in front of him. I could feel the anger brewing inside me. It wasn't often that I vented my anger and could freak out, but sometimes it got to me a little. "What's that to do with you?"

"A lot, after all, it has to do with all of us as you are, because we are in your immediate environment, so how could something like that happen to us. You know, you have a good idea of whether you're doing something right or wrong with what you say or do. It's hard to know whether to be nice or dismissive to you." My answer didn't seem to give him any reason to answer me, and that really pissed me off. Why was he so dismissive?! I honestly expressed my point of view and feelings, and he didn't appreciate them at all!

"Damn Jungkook! Friends are there to talk, but you don't talk to me, and I don't even know if you talk to Ria. I also have the impression that you don't like me that much, and I don't know why or what I did to you! I'm not a vampire that you think you can treat like that because I'm human, and I have feelings too. I thought when you helped me that night when I had such a bad dream and I told you all about it, and you calmed me down, you would finally consider me one of your friends. There seems to be something you don't like me that much after all. I'm not blind or stupid not to notice. So finally talk to me about it now!"

I took a breath after letting out the anger and leaning down angrily. I could imagine that my eyes didn't look particularly angry, but I tried anyway. After my words, it had to finally be clear to him.

"You are wrong and should forget your impression. I've told you before, you're one of my few friends. If you were a vampire, I would have treated you a lot differently than you can imagine. It's not you but I can't say anything, it's enough if Ria had to find out by accident and I'm still sorry for that. You should rather be spared it so just accept it. You don't seem to like being ignorant, but you should stay ignorant about this, because I won't tell you anything." he finally answered me and seemed calmer than before.
Sure friends weren't obligated to say everything, but I would keep it to myself and if it was important, I should know. I guess I really had to accept this, even though it was already nagging at me.
"Okay, but then explain to me what happened this afternoon." Jungkook's gaze changed and showed a rueful look.
"You got hurt because of me."

"You protected me from the vampires when it was almost too late, so if it weren't for you, he would have done something to me, if not killed me. Besides, these aren't real injuries after all, I'm not in pain, and even children get them," I said, laughing. "By the way, I haven't thanked you yet. I really thank you for saving me, even though he could have gotten you too." Jungkook's facial features softened, and maybe he now saw a little that he had done the right thing. "If you hadn't been so naive that evening, you wouldn't have found out about any of this, and you would have been spared something like this." He murmured softly and made me grin.

"I think it's a good thing after all, it would be more dangerous if I walked around unknowingly." He nodded, and silence fell. Neither of us said anything, and it finally seemed settled. Somehow I couldn't stand them very much, so I said: "Jungkook? If you ever want to talk, let me know I'm here for you." "Thanks, so everything is alright again?" I didn't have to think long and didn't rush. "Can you promise me something?""It depends." he replied skeptically, which made me grin. It's too bad he didn't fall for it. "Please tell me sometime, not today or tomorrow, but one day." He hesitated, and at first I thought he would decline or something. "I will, but you stay away from Taehyung because he's one of those purebloods." He got up and marched towards the door, but turned back to me. "I promise, and you owe me a little tutoring so I know how to spot purebloods." He nodded happily and left me alone. I sighed, collapsed onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Now I felt better.

Suddenly an important thing occurred to me. I forgot to get a present for my mother. Because of the clothing stores Ria wanted to go to, I had totally forgotten about it. Although I still had some time, I had to get it really soon because it was her birthday in three weeks.
It would take a while for the gift to arrive, so I had more like two weeks. I wouldn't dare to go into town on my own right now, so I have to ask one of the two if they would accompany me. Tired, I closed my eyes and gave my body a moment's rest by sleeping a little.

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