Part 20

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In the morning Yumi and Ria picked me up early, way too early. I was done and ready for the day and reading a book as usual, but what did they gain if we waited half an hour before class. I didn't really get an answer as to what the reason was. It got even stranger, because when we left and arrived at the building a short time later, Yumi disappeared somewhere else and Jungkook was there as early as we were. I didn't know that about either of them. Yumi didn't just disappear and broke up with Ria and I, and Jungkook was more of a last-minute thing.
"Ah Jungkook you're already there." Ria cried happily.

"What do you mean already, you said I should be here so early and what did I tell you last night Ria. I am dangerous for her and would like to distance myself from her, ideally for the rest of the time." A pressure burgeoned in me that I could no longer suppress, let alone want to.
"That doesn't make it any better! Think about it, does it make you happier knowing you lost a friend and hurt her?" I blurted out. Again I was angry in such a situation and he just didn't get it.

"No, but it should make you happy, so you better go and leave me alone like I told you last night." Jungkook gave me an annoyed look, but there was also that tormented expression. I don't care if he wants to have this discussion or not because we couldn't run away.
"It's my business what I do and what I do with my life is none of your business. Whether I want to die or not is not your decision, it's mine." My words didn't calm him down, but he approached me agitatedly until he was standing very close in front of me, so that I had to look up at him.
"So you really want to risk your life carelessly?!" Before I could reply angrily, we heard a click. We were so busy staring into each other's eyes that we didn't realize what Ria had just done. Ria had handcuffed my right wrist and JUngkook's left wrist. We hadn't even noticed how the light, cool material wrapped itself around us.
"Ria, what is this nonsense?! Let's go right now!"

"Jungkook don't freak out like that again. You guys should get along and I think that's the only way. Words alone won't get you anywhere so something harder had to be taken up." I was just too amazed at what had happened.
"Besides, you're sitting next to each other, so there can't be a problem." Ria laughed, quite confident in her idea. I was rather unsure whether that was such a good idea and whether it would end so lightly for us.
"You give me the key Ria right now!" Jungkook hissed sharply. The key hung on a chain that she had put on and proudly presented to us.

"It's the weekend tomorrow anyway and you'll stay like this until Sunday." She made it very clear and I believed that no contradiction would change anything. "Ria, that's not possible." I said now beside myself. How could I get ready in the bathroom and get dressed or even sleep when he was there. Just those thoughts made the blood rush to my cheeks.

Suddenly a teacher came around the corner and we quickly hid our problem behind us. Nobody was allowed to see that. As soon as we could get in, we sat down immediately so that no one could see it. Jungkook was still very upset, the anger could be felt just because he was trying to stare at Ria. Gradually the other classmates came too, as did the teacher.
Startled, I directed my gaze ahead, where the familiar voice was already speaking: "Quiet, sit down, everyone!" This familiar voice belonged to none other than Uncle Yagari. Why was he our teacher? The person sitting next to me didn't look much different. Didn't he know about it?
"Jungkook do you know why he is our teacher?"

"No, I'm just as surprised." Thankfully, Jungkook seemed to have vented a bit, I noticed. Ria turned back and looked at us.
"He knows what I did to you two." She winked and turned back to face forward.
"Great." I murmured. Our misfortune was that I wrote with my right hand like Jungkook. That's why we had to move very close together so that I could write and he could concentrate in peace without me always pulling. Of course there was a danger that someone could see this, so we put up our book. It was the same for the other hours.
"Actually, I should leave Ria alone on duty as a punishment." Duty?! I hadn't even thought of that and now I was panicking. Everyone would see us with it and I would stand stupidly next to them while they yelled at others.

However, there was no way around it, which is why we made our way to Haus Mond as our hours drew to a close. Jungkok hurriedly pulled me with him, which showed how little interest he had in the whole thing. The others gave us really stupid looks and I couldn't even blame them. When we arrived and I saw the crowds I got scared, after all I would have to help now and as they were jostling I would fall down with Jungkook. We kept walking forward until we were in front of the gate. I really tried to help Jungkook with his service but the girls pushed hard.
"Can you please go."

"Man Ynsei not so kind. Go away now!" The girls got a lot of respect for Jungkook and moved away a bit, but they stayed calm. Jungkook gave me a >See< look. I had to grin briefly.
In the next moment the gate finally opened. I exhaled in relief because Jungkook had yelled at the girls so they didn't dare to come nearer. Only one problem came up. The students of the night class or just Hobi and Taeyhung. The two were also the first to stop in front of us.
"Why do you have those drums?" asked Hobi, amazed.

"Ask Ria." We said only two. Immediately Hobi spoke to her, who proudly explained it to him. However, it probably didn't suit him that well, which surprised me a bit. Taehyung had to laugh at the sight of us.
"So Jungkook is so close to a woman that he doesn't have to shy away like here." I heard. He wasn't entirely wrong, even if it was a bit mean, after all he only kept the girls away for the vampires.
Jungkook pulled me so hard I thought I was tripping but Jungkook held me. Again like this morning he looked very irritated. Ok Taehyung's comment infuriated him and since I had no choice I had to go with him. Not that it bothered me, but I couldn't choose where he was taking me. But I already had a premonition. After a few seconds, he pulled me a little more gently with him. With my premonition came true.

Our destination was the horse stables, where apparently Lily had already been waiting for him. Jungkook immediately sat down in the hay and when I sat down next to him he lay down. I reluctantly followed suit. He closed his eyes and probably enjoyed the rest, but a tension spread in me. Ria meant well, but I can't imagine that this situation should improve our relationship. We were totally against it and considering we're supposed to be together until Sunday I doubted it even more.
Now I remembered the problem I was thinking about earlier. I would be way too uncomfortable if Jungkook went to the bathroom with me or slept next to me. At these points, I blushed again. I looked shyly at Jungkook, who was still lying there relaxed with his eyes closed.

I had to ask him what we were doing: "Jungkook, we have anticipated a problem that we already have. Because of these things, we can't do anything separately anymore. How are we supposed to sleep, go to the bathroom or eat properly?" I asked upset and sat up, whereupon he sat up and opened his eyes. He probably hadn't thought about the problem yet.

"That's right, then we have to do everything together for better or worse and believe me that's just as uncomfortable for me as it is for you. But in the bathroom we look the other way." I nodded eagerly at his last words. My cheeks got very warm.

"First we will get our things and sleep with Ria back in our rooms at the principal's." He got up and helped me up. Our classmates would notice our problem even better now, but it was all useless. We made our way to the girls' dorm. Luckily not all the girls would be here now. When we were there, I secretly looked around the room.
Then I ran to my room with Jungkok. I grabbed a bag and threw in everything I needed. Jungkook was looking at one of my books at the time. When I was done, Yumi and Ria came. Jungkook said briefly to Ria that we would meet at the principal's apartment. Ria should take my bag. Then, without warning, Jungkook picked me up in his arms and jumped out the window. Whereupon I cried out in horror.

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