Part 11

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In the morning, I wasn't woken up nicely because someone just pulled the covers off me and pushed me off the bed. I woke up with a jerk and forgot that my ass was hurting a bit. "Yn wake up!" A stern Ria stood in front of me, looking down at me. I looked up at her wearily. "You get ready right now, and I'll pack your things in the meantime, because we'll bring them back to the dorm and then to class beforehand. Understood?" "Sure, I'm smart enough to understand, even if you wake me up that way. Why did you ask me?" I got up and grabbed my things. "You're still so tired, you could have been that you don't understand. I had to call you a couple of times, but you sleep so soundly." She packed up all my things, and I went to get ready for school in the meantime, smiling.

When we were both done, we went to the kitchen. I thanked Mr. Kurosu that I could stay the evening and also stay overnight. A little later, Ria, Jungkook and I went to the dorm. As soon as I put my bag away, we rushed to class. The lessons passed quickly, and before everyone could rush out of the classroom, we were asked to remain seated for a moment. "The ball will take place soon, and this time your class should prepare everything. This means that classes are canceled, and you start tomorrow. You have the next four days." announced the teacher, and we could go.

The omission of classes was good for me, because I still had something to do in the city. Ria didn't have much time to go into town with me and I didn't even want to ask Jungkook so as not to annoy him.
"Yumi do you want to go to town with me tomorrow because I have to get a dress?" I asked her as we walked to the dorm. "Yes, I also need a new one." And so it was settled for tomorrow. 

The next day, we started preparing for the ball. We had several boxes with the decorations. We worked hard together until the morning. Yumi and I headed straight into town. On the way, I also informed her that I would like to buy my mother a present. I found one quickly, too. After that, we went ahead and dedicated ourselves to choosing a dress. This took a while, but Yumi quickly found one. With her, I tried to find the perfect dress for me. I wasn't a fan of glitter and pink like some girls. When I thought it was almost hopeless, I found it. It was a dress that went above my knees. The bottom half to below my chest was black, and the rest was sleeveless with a white stand-up collar. I loved it already. Immediately I bought it with the matching accessory. I was really happy. Together, we went back without incident.

 When I think about the last time, I didn't want to get bored in the room, so I just took the dress away and did a lap on the railing. I was really excited to see how the ball would turn out. It was my first because we never did anything like that at my previous school, and just the fact that the night class was there made me more curious. Would everything go smoothly? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice how I bumped into someone and landed on my butt. Okay, my theories had to wait until my room. "I'm sorry, I was so upset that I didn't see you." I apologized, only now looking up to see who the person was. I looked at Hobi in surprise, which only made him grin.

"It's okay Yn. Come on, I'll help you up." I grabbed his outstretched hand and let himself be helped to get back to my feet.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I just went for a walk and was a little curious. You have designed the hall beautifully so far." He had already taken a look at it? I hadn't thought that he would be so interested. but he was right. So far it's been looking pretty good.
"I definitely want to dance with you on the night of the ball!" "Okay?" I said, because I didn't understand it so well and it sounded more like a question. Why did one of the handsome vampires want to dance with me? I was new, after all, and had few notable features. Wasn't I rather boring for all of them?
"I'm sorry Yn, but I have to go back. I'm really looking forward to it!" he said goodbye to me with a wink. I smiled at it slightly and went back like that. Went to my room, grabbed a book and read as I often did.

The big evening of the festival was not long in coming. Time went by really quickly for it to take place and I found myself in the room with Ria and Yumi getting ready. Okay or just Yumi and me to start with.

"Ria, you don't just have to be on duty, you can have fun, don't you?"
"Exactly, now open the package you just got." I agreed with Ria's friend and pointed to the box.
Before we went to Yumi's room, Ria was given a package for her roommate. She finally did what I said and all three of us were amazed. She took out a beautiful white dress from the package. I took the card on the cover and looked at it.
"It's from Taehyung." Immediately she looked a little embarrassed. Now that she had a dress and then from Taehyung, it was agreed that Ria would have fun today too. She immediately put it on and her best friend helped her with her hair.

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