Part 5

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I never thought vampires really existed and then here at Cross Academy. Why would a friend of my parents keep something like that from them? I mean he puts their daughter in great danger. However, one should have informed the other parents as well and now it would no longer be a secret. Now I would have to deal with it and pay even more attention to everything until I finished my school education. "Hey Yn! What is wrong with you?!" Ria yelled at me all the time, but I only heard her words now. "I'm sorry, could you repeat what you said." Ria looked worried, but I smiled at her.

"Okay, I just said that you don't have to worry because nothing bad will happen anymore, and maybe you'll get along with them." She smiled slightly, but Jungkook just snorted at her words in irritation. "Yes maybe, but it was my fault after all, I should have listened and waited for you, after all, you knew how dangerous it can be to walk around alone in the evening."

"It can no longer be changed. What happened. But the main thing is that you are fine, and maybe it is good that you have experienced it." Taehyung said that and gave me back my book. I nodded and still had to think about the contents of my book. "Your vampires are different from the ones in the book, aren't they?" "Yeah, they're just stories, but you probably knew that. But there are vampires other than us, and by that, I mean how they behave. Jimin was more harmless than others." Taehyung answered my question with a smile and looked at Jungkook from the side. It was unclear to me why he did it. Did Jungkook know anything about this? "How different?" I asked.

"They're called Level-E vampires. When a pureblood vampire bites a human and then refuses to give their victim a drink of their blood, that desire drives them wild. This is how level-E vampires are created, and this shows that pureblood has effects that you can't even imagine." I nodded in understanding at his answer. "So I think everything has been settled for tonight, you should go to bed now, it's already late. We can clarify other questions together tomorrow." the rector said calmly, and we nodded. At the door, I turned around again to get something out of my head: "Thank you for being honest with me, and I promise I'll keep quiet about everything." I returned to the dorm with Ria and Jungkook. That was really quite a big excitement for me today. Well, you couldn't actually call it beautiful, but I would never have thought of it. vampires.

That didn't quite get through to my head, because it went against everything logical I knew. Tired, I said goodbye to both of them and immediately lay down in my room on my bed to fall asleep a short time later.

The next day was already the long-awaited weekend and Taehyung ordered Ria, Jungkook and me to the moon house. It was actually a mystery to me why I should go, but I did it without objecting. Ria seemed excited unlike Jungkook and I.

When the three of us were ready, we went, and we were already received. Appearance was probably her strength too. Everyone seemed so wonderful that you might think they were normal, beautiful people. "Yn I'm terribly sorry for what I did, it was very stupid of me to do something to you!" Jimin came over and grabbed my hands to shake them vigorously.

"It's okay, I forgot." I brought it out with a little smile. I felt uncomfortable because everyone was looking at us. He released my hands and smiled at me. "It is not good! How can you accept that so lightly? I thought you were smarter, Yn." Jungkook said it coldly and seriously to me. "I'm smart, don't say anything against it! I just don't have the same opinion as you. Besides, what are you interfering with!" I was mad at him. Why is he interfering? It was my business whether I would forgive or not. "If you think like that, don't be surprised if something happens next time."

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