Part 17

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What was Hobi doing with Taehyung here? It took my brain a moment to realize what had just happened, and that's why they came, because of the blood. Before she could reach me, I wiped my tears away. I didn't want to be seen like that. Calm down, Yn, I said to myself, narrowing my eyes. "There she is!" I opened my eyes to see the usual troop rushing around Taehyung. Hobi was the first to come to my feet. "Damn Yn what happened? You were bitten, right?" He didn't even have to look, he already knew. I lowered my head, so I didn't have to look straight into his piercing gaze. I couldn't betray Jungkook after all.

"Jungkook couldn't seem to control his hunger any longer, and she got to the point where he fought it again." Taehyung said, seeming disgusted, which I could easily hear from his tone. I immediately shook my head at his statement. It was unfair to talk about Jungkook like that when there was definitely a reason. It had bothered him and I hadn't shown any consideration just because I was so impatient. My heart contracted. "It's not his fault, it was my fault." Again the tears ran down my cheeks before they landed on the grass. The next moment, I felt hands on my shoulders, prompting me to get up.

"Come on, I'll take you away from here and bind up your wound." Hobi's words had been chosen so softly that I just looked at him.
"Don't worry I don't bite." He gave me a cheeky wink, bringing a smile to my face for a few seconds. But before I could make a move to leave, he picked me up. Embarrassed, I allowed it because I suspected that he would not respond to my protest.
I couldn't say anything because I was just amazed that he did something like that. Every now and then he would glance at me down the path and straight ahead again, but I looked away. I could hardly endure his gaze without my cheeks getting hot. I felt uncomfortable that he was carrying me, although at the same time I felt safe because we were friends.

Arriving in the hospital room, he first put me down on a chair before he went to the closet. After rummaging through everything, he sat down in front of me to carefully treat my wound. "Why are you protecting the idiot when he did this to you. In addition, a deep bite." he asked completely without understanding and finally mumbled the last sentence. As he tied my neck, I caught his thoughtful look at me, and I knew he clearly saw me swallowing the lump in my throat.

"So done."
"Thank you Doctor." We just grinned at each other before we got serious again. In my hand he placed the prefect's tie, which had served as a bandage when he again put everything back neatly. I'll torture the stuff first with lots of soap and water and, if necessary, even harder stuff.

"Come on I'll bring you back too." I nodded and we left the room. Now I came up with a question that would definitely annoy me later if I didn't ask it.
"Will there be big trouble with Jungkook over this?"
"I don't know, but Taehyung will tell the principal."
I didn't want him to get in trouble, after all I just couldn't be mad at him just because I had noticed his condition.

"But I want to be part of the conversation, after all Jungkook can't help it, but I can. Please Hobi do something I can be part of." I stopped and looked at him pleadingly, but my eyes were also serious and determined. But in the next moment I fought back the tears because I was overwhelmed by everything.
"Yn why are you defending him? You weren't so protective of Jimin."
"Hobi me...I like him a lot and can't be mad at him."
"So you love him." He laughed after his statement, but I blushed.
"That's none of your business!" I turned away from him, offended, but that made him laugh more.
"You'd better enjoy your day off."
"I'm usually asleep at this time but now it's impossible." Hobi came over to me and put an arm around my shoulders, smiling.

"Then we'll do something together." His cheerful nature always made me smile. I just nodded and he started walking, dragging me dragging behind him.
He stopped in front of the Mond house, and I was completely unsure about it.
"Am I allowed to wait in there at this time?" I asked uncertainly.
"Sure you can."

We entered the dorm together. As soon as we walked through the door I looked around. Is this just a dorm? This is part of a palace rather. On the sofa that was there I discovered the others in his group. As soon as I held my gaze for more than 5 seconds, Jin almost ran towards me. First I wanted to go behind Hobi out of reflex, because I didn't like it that much that people ran towards me. However, I let him and got a big hug from him. Is it normal that they are like this?
"Yn you're fine!"

The perplexed look from his embrace was still visible in my eyes.
"Let her go!" That's exactly how Jungkook had reacted like Hobi is doing now and that made me smile. When Jin let go of me, he scratched his head in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay was just a bit of a surprise."
"Let's move on." Hobi pushed me forward.
"Don't rush her like that, we want to talk to her too." said the otherwise so quiet Yoongi.
"It's okay Hobi, after all they won't hurt me." He went with me to the others and we sat down next to them.

Taehyung came down the stairs. He also sat down with us, looking at me pretty closely.
"Yn I have a question for you. Why are vampires attacking you? Is someone after you?" At his last question, my expression shook and I tensed up a bit. This was not related to the incidents, although one could see it that way. I couldn't possibly say anything about that!

"I don't know why they attack me and I don't know that one is after me either." That was of course an outright lie. He nodded slowly but didn't take my doubts away as if that ended the subject. Oh please don't let him discover the lie.
"Okay if that's the case, we'll keep an eye on you so something like this doesn't happen again." No please, that would only cause more problems.
"Exactly, Taehyung is right. Yn I'll definitely take care of you!" No, I don't want that.
"Please don't bother."

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