Part 8

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"My name is Jung Hoseok, feel free to call me Hobi, and I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself recently. And the one standing next to me looking so blank is Min Yoongi." "Hey" say Yoongi. was all he said. "I'm glad." Ria ran over and hugged me. A little too tight in my opinion, but I tried not to let it look. "Are you really fine?"

"Yes, I do feel a bit weak, but that's probably because of the shock." "Okay, we'd better go back to the academy, and I want you to go to the infirmary right away and have yourself checked out." I nodded. Why should I go there? I'm fine, even if I'm a bit weak and my back hurts a bit, but nothing more. I might get a few bruises, but there was no need to make such a fuss about it. With Hobi and Yoongi we made our way back, where I was actually immediately dragged to the hospital room. The others had to wait outside until I finished the examination. Luckily, the examination didn't last too long, and when I left the room, they really were all still there. I didn't expect the two vampires. "And what was said?" I was asked immediately.

"Well I have a few bruises on my back, and that there will be some bruises that might be a bit big, but nothing else. When I was asked how that happened, I said I fell off the stairs." I said it calmly. Suddenly I heard a dull, loud noise, and when I looked where it was coming from, I discovered it was Jungkook. I jumped in shock when he hit the wall and immediately hurried away. What was the matter with him? Did he blame himself? That was nonsense; after all, he only did it to protect me from the vampire. "Yoongi and I will report to Taehyung. I'm sure he already knows there was a level E vampire in town, but we'll let him know you helped." "Okay, we thank you Hobi and Yoongi." The two addressed turned around and grinned at us.

Ria's Pov: "What about Jungkook now?" Yn asked me. I sighed briefly. "I'll go after him and talk to him, don't worry. I think I know where he is, so you go back and don't tell the principal. Not until he specifically asks if the vampire did harm to you or someone else." She nodded and left. Oh man, Jungkook you see it too narrow, I thought to myself. He didn't even notice what exactly he had protected Yn from, but he only saw that she had hurt herself a little, and not even seriously. Surely Jungkook was in the stables with Cooky, lying in the hay. I arrived quickly, and I was right. "Jungkook can you explain to me what that was about?! Yn was totally shocked by your reaction!" He looked at me, grumbling and totally annoyed. "You know what I am, and you could see again today what a monster I am." "That's not true!" I replied, a little angry.

"You have no idea, Ria! You don't know how I feel, and now go, I want my peace!" I shied away from Jungkook's words and finally left too. He's so stubborn and won't let anyone get close to him. I understood that he was behaving terribly since he hates vampires, and now he would belong, so he loathed himself. I felt sorry for him but hoped Yn Art would change him. It might even be for the best if he told her what he is before she got all upset when she saw it. On the way to my room, where Yn must be waiting, I couldn't believe who I saw outside. It was Taehyung. I couldn't believe it, but it still surprised me a little that I hit him at that very moment."Hello Ria. I wanted to see the principal, but he wasn't in his office. Hobi and Yoongi reported to me that a level E was up to mischief. How is Yn?" "Um, he's in his apartment and is probably making dinner. Yn is doing quite well, if you come with me to the rector, then you can see for yourself." Oh man, I always get very embarrassed when I meet him. 

He just smiled at me, and we walked to the principal's apartment together. In the kitchen, we met the Principal and Yn. Yn helped him cook, noticed us first, and let us know immediately. "Hello Yn, how are you?"

"Fine, I have nothing serious, Taehyung. Thanks for asking." Yn answered him kindly, and he smiled slightly at her. Taehyung and the principal left the room briefly to discuss something, while I continued to help Yn. At the same moment, we heard the door slam loudly in the lock, and Jungkook just entered the room. I wondered if he had calmed down now and maybe had a moment of insight. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed how Yn clenched the plate in her hand, which she wanted to dry off. With a determined look, she turned to Jungkook and put down the plate with the cloth before walking towards him. What was she up to? Jungkook looked down at her a bit and also seemed ignorant. "I want to talk to you, and I don't care if you don't want to!" Yn said. To make her point clear, she underscored it with a cold expression on her face and crossed her arms in front of her chest. There wasn't an immediate response from him, and I thought for a moment that he was going to rebuff her annoyed.

"Before me, but only after eating." That surprised me a lot. Jungkook just gave in like that? I had never seen Yn so seriously in such a short time, but it was good that she wanted to assert herself against him, so that he realized that he was in the wrong. I was already curious how things would end between the two afterwards, after all he had no reason to treat her like that.
The conversation between Taehyung now came to an end and they returned to us. We were told that he would stay to eat and Jungkook's expression darkened abruptly. That would probably never change. I laid more for one guest and a little later we all sat at the table and started. Most of the time the headmaster spoke, but Jungkook and Yn seemed very absent-minded and hardly spoke a word.
So after we had eaten, the Rector, Yn and I, the Head of the House of the Moon, said goodbye. It was a rare moment that he spent a little of the evening with us and it was almost like before. That memory made me smile.

Yn and our silent friend rushed to help and then without saying anything went into the guest room to finish talking.
It was good that they did it, after all it would go on like this for the whole day and we didn't know Yn enough to know exactly how she behaved. I told the principal not to disturb her while she was talking, to which he agreed. Oh man, how will the conversation between the two end? I could only hope for the good and that he would tell her everything, after all she knew the world of vampires now.
Also, how else would she react if Jungkook had one of his seizures and she was unprepared for it?

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