Part 2

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"Come on, Yn, we'll show you the dorm now, and since we have the same short ones, you won't have a problem going through the school when you're with us." Ria said, smiling. Wasn't that common somewhere else? I was about to grab my suitcase, but Jungkook's hand was quicker, and he carried my suitcase out. We followed him, and along the way, Jungkook didn't say a word to Ria or to me.

All the way, Ria talked about the classes I'm going to take with her. But as we walked to the dorm, many looked funny and whispered. Probably because I'm new here. Jungkook still didn't speak to me and seemed a bit annoyed, but he helped me anyway. When we got to my room, which is my home from now on, Jungkook put the suitcase down and left. I unpacked while Ria stayed with me and talked to me.

"I see you like to read; you must be very smart, too." Ria said when she saw me unpack my books. "Yes, I read a lot, and I remember this knowledge." I turned to her, and she smiled at me where I had to smile. She was really nice, and I was relieved to have met someone nice already. So we forgot the time.

"Oh shit, it's almost evening, I have to go!" Ria screamed in horror. "Do you want to come with me?." I didn't think twice and agreed. Ria took my hand and rushed me out of my room. I couldn't imagine that she was in such a hurry. We ran a bit, and when we arrived, Ria tried to hold the girls back. I stood there confused, and I just thought it was weird. When the gate suddenly opened, a couple of guys came out who looked incredibly handsome, which made all the day class girls go crazy and scream. I stood next to a girl and just watched blankly. It was incomprehensible to me that such a fuss was made. It was probably because I didn't value a status. Everywhere you looked at others, they freaked out. Suddenly, I was pushed so hard that I lost my balance and fell forward. What the fuck, why did this have to happen now.

"Hi, are you alright?" a boy asked me. I looked up and saw a handsome boy who kindly held out his hand to me. He helped me up. "Yes, thanks." "Okay, next time you should pay attention." He smiled at me. "My name is Kim Taehyung and you..." "Taehyung leave her alone." Jungkook hissed, standing in front of me. I was so perplexed that I couldn't say anything. Taehyung grinned at Jungkook and whispered something to him, which I didn't catch, and he walked away with the others. Suddenly, Jungkook gave me a slightly angry look, but I turned my head to the side. What did I do to him that made him so angry, I asked myself in my head.

Jungkook turned to the other girls. "Now everyone, go back to your dorms; the show is over!" he yelled. Ria came over to me, looking really exhausted. "Hard job, isn't it?" She nodded, and I had to grin. Well, it didn't look too hard for Jungkook. "You probably don't like Kim Taehyung, but you don't have to look at me like that with your anger, I didn't do anything to you." This look from him, which I had felt all along, annoyed me now, and so I had to say something.

Which was probably also wrong, because he got angry again. "You better take care of your own skin, and it's none of your business if I like him or not! It's true that you didn't do anything, but be careful, or I'll have to look at you like that more often." Then he left. "Mmmm conceited ass." "Don't let him hear that, or he'll get mad again." Ria giggled. We went back to the dorm, and I went straight to my room. I was too tired to think about what today was all about. The next day, I got up and put on my school uniform, and I have to admit that the school uniform is really great. It matched my long hair perfectly. After that I read one of my books, and I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't notice Ria until she spoke: "What are you reading there?" I was a little shocked.

"Nothing special, but I think we should go." I put my book in my bag and went with Ria. Jungkook was standing outside the door, and it looked like he was waiting for us. I ignored him on the way to class because I just didn't want to let him ruin my first day of school. I knew people like that, and it was better not to talk to them much. "This is your new classmate, Lee Yn. Be nice to her." the teacher said to the class after we arrived, and I went to the front. The students whispered among themselves, which didn't unsettle me after all, they didn't know me.

"Sit upstairs with Jungkook, please." Well, something can be great, but I went there without any arguments and sat down. Then the lesson began. We had math, and it was one of my favorite subjects. The lesson was definitely interesting. Unfortunately, I always finished my assignments too quickly. "You're done quickly." Jungkook spoke quietly to me, and as I saw, he was done too. "Yeah, you too." I looked at him blankly, but he smiled slightly. Why is he smiling now? I don't understand him either, I didn't quite understand what he said yesterday. The night class was different, I already knew that. But why should I be careful? There's more to it than that, and I'll find out. The remaining hours were great and very different from my old school. Here it was explained more interestingly. So I really enjoyed the first day of school. I went to the dorm alone because Ria and Jungkook were back on duty. There's a secret. Why else should anyone be careful? That was only logical.

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