Part 3

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After a few days, Cross Academy felt like a new home to me. I got along well with some of my classmates, and even my relationship with Jungkook got a little better. Well, let's put it this way, he didn't glare at me as angry or give me the cold shoulder as he did at the beginning. I got along very well with Ria and Yumi, another one from our same course, and they both became my new confidants. So I also helped Ria to learn.

Ria also told me that my learning methods were better than Jungkook's. Her words made me grin again and again, Since I had an appointment with Ria to study again, I got ready and made my way to her with my bag. This time she was with the principal, where he had his own apartment and where Ria and Jungkook also had their rooms when they came.

Luckily, Ria showed me where to find her otherwise, I would have had to search forever for her. It was evening, but since I had permission to leave the dormitory, I wouldn't have a bad conscience and, especially no trouble. But I still had a strange feeling. Suddenly, I felt watched as I got closer and closer. My instinct told me, to not turn around and keep walking. When I arrived, I breathed out a sigh of relief and decided not to think about it anymore, after all what should happen to me, as if there was some madman lurking. Okay, I pushed the thought aside because I didn't like it at all. I knocked on the front door, and Jungkook opened the door and let me in. Then we went together into the living room, where Ria was already waiting. "You're finally here, he's been torturing me with it for a long time, telling me I should study before you come anyway." She whispered to me when he heard it, but he just looked at her, annoyed. Oh, they are of one heart and one soul.

"Well, let's start, Ria, you said you don't understand math, then open the page in the book that we did last." Immediately did. After half an hour, she started an exercise, and I explained it to her. "That's right, you got it right." Ria was happy that she had understood it and could start with the homework that was for tomorrow. Since Jungkook and I had already finished in class, we had to wait for Ria.

I was a little proud that I managed to explain everything to her, but most of all, I'm glad that Ria understood everything. That just made me happy, because I was never sure if people understood me as I meant it. I packed my bag and started to say goodbye, but she stopped me. "Please stay to eat, you helped me, and you can eat with us." She held my arm and looked at me, begging. I closed my eyes briefly. "Okay, I'll stay." I put my bag away, and we went to the kitchen. Principal Kurosu was standing at the stove, frying something in a pan and when he saw us he turned around. I had to hold myself back from laughing because he was standing in front of us in a pink apron. "Good evening, Mr. Kurosu." I greeted him kindly. "Hello Yn!" He was again as cheerful as the first day he received me. "Sit down, I hope you like the food, Yn. I may not be able to cook as well as your mother, but it's not that bad either." I had to grin slightly. Yes, my mother was an excellent cook.

"Mr. Rector, how do you know Yn's mother?" asked Jungkook but Mr. Kurosu ignored it, which surprised him. Mr. Kurosu put everything on the table, and when he was seated, we started eating. The evening was beautiful, and I was happy to be here. After the meal, we helped to clean up and then wanted to leave. "You two, I'm going to walk slowly in front of her, she'll be right behind anyway. Thank you again for the meal, Mr. Kurosu." "There is nothing to thank Yn, and you are very welcome to be here." He said still cheerful and I smiled.

"See you two soon." I called and ran forward. "Damn Yn wait." Ria screamed, but I kept walking. If they were still talking about something, I didn't want to disturb them. When I was outside, I suddenly felt something. I heard rustling in the bushes and trees, but I wasn't deterred because it can only be the wind. But when I heard something different from the tree, I went anyway. I held on to the tree with one hand and leaned forward. My heart almost stopped in shock.

Red eyes looked at me. I fell backwards from shock and scraped my hand a bit so that my hand started to bleed. "She has a great scent. Right Hobi?" I heard someone say. Who was that and who was Hobi? Two shadows that had the silhouettes of people emerged, but it was still too dark. "Leave that before you get in trouble, Jimin." This hobi probably warned. "Come on, nobody will find out, and a little bit isn't bad." The person who was being spoken came over to me, and I was too perplexed to get up. Go Yn get up and run, I reminded myself. I have to think logically. Wait, red eyes, He smells a great scent from me and wants some. Oh crap, I had a premonition, if that was what was in the book I read last time, then...then. Was I lost? No, it can't be, my mind is going crazy. I got up unsteadily, and before I could react, he was in front of me, holding onto my wounded hand.

"Mmmm that smells great." He gushed, and I wanted to leave, but he grabbed my waist with his other hand, so I had to stay. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and saw that he had bitten me there and sucked my blood with relish. My advance has confirmed that he is a vampire. What should I do? Exactly! I have to scream! I just hope they finally leave and don't hurt my helpers. "Damn, let go of me please. I need help!" I yelled, but he just took his hand off my waist and covered my mouth. Tears ran down my cheeks. Would I die? But suddenly he was pulled away, and someone held me, so I wouldn't fall over.

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