Part 13

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Jungkook's Pov: 

It had already been a week since the ball took place, and things were now back to normal. Something had changed, though, about me. I knew too well how I was often and that's why I recognized it more clearly. As grumpy as I was, I was less now, and I noticed that unconscious smile as well. The outside world noticed it too, and I only got astonished and confused looks for it. I couldn't even blame them for that. I just didn't understand myself anymore. "Look, Jungkook has been smiling more lately." a day-class student whispered to her friend when Ria and I were on duty again.

Damn, I hated the job. This whispering was slowly getting on my nerves. "Shut up and go back to the dorm!" As expected, they got startled and disappeared. Just because of these vampires, we have to do this every day. Should the rector look for another stupid one for it.

"Jungkook why are you yelling at her like that? They didn't do anything, they were just telling the truth but you should keep your smile." Ria patted my back and grinned.
She got a grumble from me in response. Why am I smiling?
"Well you two back at work? You guys are having a really hard time, if I could I would help you." Yn, I thought to myself. She came to us.
It was only now that I noticed that a smile came to my face again. Is it because of her that I am like this? When I see her, warmth fills my heart. I see and think of her and I feel better. I already knew that our relationship had changed, but had the ball reinforced it? Could there be more?
Could or has it become love?

Yn's Pov:

 As I approached them, I couldn't help but grin at the familiar image. "Back to work? You guys are really tough, if I could, I would help you." I was serious. I would love to help them. I knew this world, and I would do my best to save others from a fate they never wanted. But the principal would certainly not allow it and the students would not be happy if a new prefect became a student. That thought was banished when a smile appeared on Jungkook's face. I felt a short sentence, which caused my heart.  He's been smiling a lot lately, is a little nicer, and has also taken on a more affable manner that wasn't so noticeable before. I've noticed these changes, but wonder why.
That smile radiated warmth. I've never seen him like that before, but it's better than when he's so cold towards others. You could only say it back and I felt lucky. But why am I happy when he smiles at me? My heart was racing. Why is it racing? I knew all these new things from books. It was a sign that one had fallen in love.
Was it like that? is it love?

Yn and Jungkook were two different people. With different interests, with different feelings and experiences. But they had one thing in common. The connectedness. They were connected, which they didn't know. But it became more and more apparent that they are more. Feel and see more.
The two see more for the other when you compare their initial difficulties. Uncertainty surrounded the two. confusion too. Yn hated when she couldn't find an answer, which Jungkook didn't seem to mind.
"Yes, like every day. It would be really nice if you could help us." Yn's best friend Ria said a little exhausted. Of course, she knew that Yn had a difficult training session ahead of her, but she believed that she could do it.
Yn rather grinned at that. When the prefects finally got some rest, they left House Moon with their good friend. You saw how Yn and Jungkook always exchanged secret looks.
Was it real love?

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