Part 23

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The kiss with Jungkook made me forget everything that was around us. The people and the surroundings blurred. He put so much emotion into the kiss that he had never shown before, yet it was tender at the same time. As we broke apart, we smiled at each other. This new feeling made me cry. I couldn't help it. He wiped the tears from my flushed cheeks. "I think Ria's idea was great." Jungkook nodded smiling.

"Let's go before it gets dark." I almost forgot the time, but he was right, so I agreed and we quickly paid. We walked out of the ice cream dilé hand in hand. I didn't think we would actually get together. A soft sob escaped me, though I should be happy now. Maybe it was because of that and the whole thing was just too strange for me.
"Please stop crying."

"I'm crying because I'm happy, I can't help it." Jungkook looked at me amusedly before he pulled me in his arms and I felt his hand on my hip. So we went back to school and I had actually stopped crying. He didn't seem to mind if anyone saw us, which showed even more that he was determined. I didn't trust him to run away again.

As soon as we reached the school grounds, we hurried to the principal's apartment. When we knocked, Ria opened the door. "Hello you two, nice that you're back." She looked at our hands, which were now locked, and let them grin contentedly. It also made me smile when we walked past her to put the groceries in the kitchen. He carried the heavy things and immediately took the things from me that I didn't get to give them away.
Working hand in hand was new to outsiders. Also the fact that we were standing so close together. I did have one thing that would go in one of the upstairs cupboards, but before I could try, Jungkook stood behind me, very close, and put it away. If someone else got that close to me, I would feel uncomfortable, but right now it was just exciting. Suddenly the rector came into the kitchen with Ria and seemed close to tears.

"Oh Yn and my Jungkook are a couple!" he exclaimed happily. He pulled out a camera and hurriedly snapped a few pictures while Jungkook and I stood so close. I already suspected the annoyed expression and even if I felt a little like that, I was much more amused. Ria found it just as annoying as Jungkook, but both knew they were powerless. The older one was faster and more sophisticated. Ernst quickly returned when the rector placed the camera on the table.
"I have a little something for you three to do. Taehyung would like to see you, he has events to report." A look outside revealed that it wouldn't be long before it would be dark.

Somehow they always had perfect timing for this. Without much to say anything, we wanted to leave immediately, and I swapped the dress for the uniform. In that dress I would feel uncomfortable in front of all the vampires and I didn't even want to know their thoughts. What events did he want to tell us about? When I was in town with Jungkook nothing happened or we didn't realize there was something nearby that they had already taken care of.

When we arrived at the moon dorm, Yoongi opened the door for us as if eagerly awaited. Was it that urgent? "I'm glad you were able to set it up so quickly." Taehyung, who was sitting on the sofa, greeted us.
"The principal said you have something to report?"

"Several people were missing in the area and also found dead, it doesn't appear to be Level-E. We asked around and found out that this stranger is looking for something. Jhope please continue." Taehyug's eyes had narrowed as he spoke and now passed the word.
"In order. So the guess from us and a few other vampires is that he's a pureblood. Research has shown that he has been looking for someone for years." My heart tightened. What Taehyung and Jhope said was disturbing, more than that. I've been trying to put this issue out of my mind for years and now it's catching up with me faster than I could see. That can't be true, can it? As much as I wanted to believe it wasn't him, the more I fooled myself. Level E vampires and nobles would never do such a thing. The scheme didn't match. These vampires were given too many liberties.
"Yn are you okay?" Jhope asked concerned. I snapped out of my thoughts, unintentionally drawing attention to myself.

"Nothing, it's just that bad. Innocent people are being ripped out of their lives." I answered as calmly as possible. I couldn't and didn't want to say anything about it. He wanted me and not the others. I especially didn't want Jungkook to know about it.
"Sure?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow in skepticism and concern.
"Of course you don't think that's a bad thing, after all a dangerous vampire is getting closer and closer."
He pulled me barely noticeably closer to him, he probably thought I was scared. My lie was believable. Believable, but at the same time painful for me. Oh Jungkook if you knew what was bothering me. I gently clawed at his jacket sleeve. That was not fair. Finally, Jungkook had revealed his true feelings for me and we were dating, but soon it would end and I no longer have him by my side.

I couldn't do the truth to him, even though he told me his. He's been through enough bad things and shouldn't be allowed to see this. Jungkook would try to protect me from Katsuro, but he wouldn't be able to. It wasn't like I didn't trust him because he would be weak, but Katsuro was a powerful pureblood after all.

He took what he wanted and got it, which showed how easily he could do it. His aura alone was pure evil, I remembered that very well. I used to wonder what he wanted from me. After all, he could have drained everyone like he was doing now. Now he wasn't far away and that worried me more and more. Soon it was time.
"Yn do you know if there was a man who used to look for someone in your area? Research has revealed that he was very close by." My heart skipped a beat at Taehyung's question. He clearly knew a little too much, or rather he knew everything about me. "No...but I hope everyone is okay, especially my family if that's true." My voice was shaking, as was my body.

"Okay that's it for now, if we know anything new we'll let you know." With that Kaname dismissed us and we immediately left the moon dorm and headed back to the principal's apartment. There I wanted to get some rest for myself as soon as possible, which is why I asked Ria to untie me because I wanted to take a shower. Of course she did so, untied the handcuffs and I hurriedly went to the bathroom. When I turned on the water, I sat in the shower. My legs were shaking like Estenlaub. I had to wash everything. Katsuro's touches were more intense than ever. The warm water that was pattering on my skin triggered so many things in me. I started crying quietly in the shower. Oh Jungkook I'm so sorry for you please forgive me. After all, I would hurt him and only because I gave him hope for a happy life.

We both had a difficult fate. I only got out of the shower when the water got hotter and my skin was red. Luckily no one could tell that I was crying. When I got dressed I went out and said I was tired. Once Jungkook changed and we were chained together again we went into his bedroom and lay down again so that he could face me and I could face him. he kissed me That was probably one of the few kisses that I would still experience.

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