Part 10

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Perhaps every child up to a certain age had a favorite fairy tale in which one was the leading role or liked to dream about this world. So I had one that I loved very much.
I was transported to a crazy world where I felt balance and saw crazy and funny people trying to have fun. This aura of the people gave me a good feeling that I didn't feel in reality.
And that's exactly why it's still stuck in my head.

At the small party on a large property to which my parents and I were invited, there was also a beautiful and large garden. The friends of my parents who organized this festival already had a lot of money, as you could see to be able to afford this huge house, but it was also family owned and had a large maze of hedges built. There were roses on the hedges which beautified it and so I decided to walk through the maze. I usually found my way around this kind of thing. At some point I sat down on a stone bench and decided to take a little break to admire everything, but then I saw something unusual. A white hare, or rather a white rabbit, walked around here and could also talk. That was so unbelievable and illogical that it interested me again. So I got up and hurried after the rabbit, who hopped out through a hole in a hedge. I pushed through without thinking and hurried on after him.

It made me really curious because I had never heard anything like it. For example, parrots could repeat words, but a rabbit could not speak. I got further and further away from it by chasing it until it eventually jumped down a rabbit hole on a small hill.
I carefully squatted down in front of it and looked inside by leaning forward. Looked like an ordinary one. As I tried to look further, I lost my footing and fell in screaming. I closed my eyes in fear before falling hard to the ground.

Instead of darkness around my eyes, I noticed the brightness and opened my eyes again. Confused, I realized that it wasn't a hole in the ground but a locked room, and I was right in the middle. No doors or windows could be seen. What should I do now? I had somehow gotten in here, so there had to be an exit.

When I looked closely, I discovered a small door on one wall, and a really small one at that. I went closer and opened it. There was a way, but I was too big for it. I would have to be small to get through it and maybe find a way back into the garden. Disappointed, I walked away until I bumped into the edge of the table in the room. That's right, I ignored that. In addition to a tablecloth and a vase of flowers, there was a plate with a piece of cake on it. I thought nothing of it, bit off a piece of it, and felt weird in an instant. My body grew small, and hope grew. Now I would get through that door. And it worked, and so I went on. At the end of the corridor, I got some fresh air and there was a lake in front of me. Everything here is like in Alice in Wonderland, I thought to myself when I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice. "You must have cried a lot into your current self. This lake is filled with the tears you left behind." a caterpillar said to me. It's getting crazier; it really seems like Alice in Wonderland. "As far as I know, I've never cried so much that a lake could form."

"I said your current self. How do you know this is your current self?" What! Does the caterpillar want to indicate that it's not me now and that life is yet to come? She was sitting on a mushroom so I got closer and saw it was actually a man in a caterpillar costume. He had light brown hair and wore glasses.
Suddenly he starts laughing and looks at me funny.
"Isn't that wonderfully funny? You don't know if that's who you are now." He keeps laughing and I decided to move on. That was too crazy.
"Hello, hello, who are you?" I turned to the side and now discovered a girl in a mouse suit and looked at me with delight. What a crazy world is this, I want to go home.
"umm, I'm Yn." the mouse beamed.

"Oh Yn that's nice." I was startled when I wanted to answer the mouse when a voice rang out, but that's Ria I just thought.
"What's going on here? You're all crazy!" I just brought out in amazement.
"Oh yes, thank you, we are indeed!" He continued to grin, even though I didn't even mean it nicely. We heard noises from a distance.
"You should go and find the dear Hatter." He said laughing, pointing me in the direction I should go.
"Is it better to run or do you want to be killed?" Excuse me?! To be killed? Okay, I preferred to run and that's what I did.
I heard horse footsteps approaching and I didn't know what to do. There were only trees around me and I could get lost. But suddenly someone pulled me into a hiding place and strange men rode by.

"Hello young lady, I'm the Mad Hatter."
"They said I should go to them."
"Oh yes indeed. But you don't know why do you?" I shook my head.
"Well, let them try to appease the Evil King. Even though he and his minions are all dangerous monsters, they'll make it, because we've been waiting a long time." They've been waiting a long time? Was it some kind of destiny? I couldn't believe it, because how could I possibly appease someone who was bad, even though it could be very dangerous.
"Yn you did it!" cried the mouse and hugged me.
"Let's do it and now on the way to the evil king. So come up with something along the way, little one." Little one? He was a bit taller, but not that much. Still, he seemed to be one of the most normal when it comes to being.

However, I was almost at the end of my nerves, it was getting worse and worse. We really got going and I was really thinking about how I was going to make it. Why did I take this so seriously? We arrived faster than expected and sneaked in secretly and unnoticed.
So far it hasn't been dangerous in any way, but I was cautious nonetheless. Perhaps traps were set here. Through a door we entered a hall and there I discovered a man.
He must have been that king. Alongside the hatters, he was also one of the most normal. His cold gaze was framed by brown hair. Next to me I heard a soft murmur from the mouse. She looked at the king and seemed to like him very much. There was a certain admiration in her eyes.
"Even though he's evil, he saved me once when I was a little kid." she whispered. And then it came to me, my plan. It was more of an intuition. I looked for the zipper on the mouse for the costume and finally found it on the back.

"Mouse you have to take off your costume." She looked at me in surprise at first, but then she stood in front of me with normal clothes. That looked different.
Carefully and slowly I approached the king, who probably wanted to call his guards at first, but somehow I knew how to prevent it: "Please king, before you get your guards, I would like to introduce you to an admirer of yours. You know her too." I pulled the mouse girl to me.
The king's gaze instantly softened and seemed quite different. Somehow I never understood the names they called, but they looked happy. The environment changed abruptly and the gloomy place became one with a pleasant presence.

"Thank you for saving this world. Because of you I can finally marry the woman by my side and make it my queen so that the country can be peaceful. Do you have a wish that I can fulfill for my grateful you?" I didn't think long and was glad that he might have a way for me to come back.

"I would like to go back to my world. I fell down a rabbit hole and ended up here. Now I want to go back." I expressed my wish. Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I saw it was the Hatter.
"I know a way and before I use it, I want to thank you as well. You made my best friend happy." Before I could react he kissed me on the lips and then I could see him it was Jungkook, Jungkook kissing me? It can't be, it must be a dream, and suddenly my eyes went black.

When I opened my eyes suddenly, I saw that I was lying on a bench surrounded by hedges. I was back. I quickly got up and returned to my family. I vowed not to tell them anything about my adventure because they would probably consider me crazy.

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