Part 7

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Jungkook's Pov: A sharp scream from the next room tore me from my sleep. Yn? I quickly pushed the covers aside and got up to hurry into the guest room. I arrived in the room, I discovered Yn who was restless in bed. It looked like she was suffering, as her movements closely resembled writhing from severe pain. I shook her carefully, but she didn't move, so I shook her harder to get her out of her dream. Yn appeared to be sound asleep and was not easy to wake. This was rather inappropriate at the moment."Damn Yn wake up! What's going on?!" I yelled, and her eyes widened. She looked around, breathing heavily, and I let her go. I sat on the edge of the bed and saw tears in her eyes. Did she have a nightmare? Suddenly, she put her hand on mine and started crying softly. For a moment, I was perplexed and hesitated to put a little pressure on her hand. "What's so terrible that happened?" I asked after a while. She let go of me and looked at the floor. "I...I had a nightmare. There was a person who killed my family and you guys. And there was nothing I could do about it. I was useless and almost got killed with it." Desperation was in her voice, and she didn't seem to say the obvious directly.

"Calm down for now, it was just a dream, and it will never happen." "How do you know that?" she asked instead as I stood up. "I just know." I grinned slightly at her. She nodded in surprise, but then smiled. "I think we should go back to sleep, and nothing will happen this time." "I hope, so I never want to see it again or another nightmare." "Even if a new one comes, I'll come back and wake you up again." She smiled at me and I gave her a confident nod. "Good night, Yn." I said. "Good night, Jungkook" she replied.

I stopped at the door for a moment before opening it and gave her a small smile. It was weird but somehow I felt like showing her this even though there was no reason.
"Then good night Yn." After I left the room and just closed the door, I heard her laugh briefly.

Yn's Pov: 

After Jungkook left, I fell asleep without a nightmare. In the morning, I immediately remembered that Jungkook came to me in the night and pulled me out of this nightmare. I have to say that even though we understand each other better now, I didn't expect him and then that he was so nice to me and didn't put me down in any way. Ria was already awake and took a shower before me. In the time the rector was still on a short purchase. When I was finished I went into the kitchen and immediately met Ria and Jungkook who were sitting at the table and just preparing breakfast. "Good morning you two." I greeted her.

"Morning Yn." A faint grin crept onto Jungkook's usually cold face, and I couldn't help but smile at his words. He seemed to have really accepted me, and I was very happy about that. "Since when do you smile? It's great, of course, but I don't understand it." She was amazed. Okay, I would have been that at the beginning, and I couldn't blame her for that. "It's been a few hours since you slept." Ria slowly nodded at Jungkook's response and left it at that. I laughed. She was clearly still confused and somehow it felt like a little secret between us. "Hurry up, then we can go straight into town!" Ria called a little excited and cleaned up immediately after breakfast so that we didn't waste any time.

"If I have to." Jungkook growled, and it was clear to see that he didn't particularly feel like it, but didn't refuse either and thus left us alone. After we got what we needed, like money, we went on our way. We left the school and walked down the long flight of stairs, only having to walk straight ahead a bit before we arrived. "I have to say that I'm happy to be able to accompany you. You don't mind if I have something to do, do you?" "No, don't worry, but what do you have to do?" "Well, I haven't gotten around to it yet, but my mum's birthday is coming up and I wanted to send her a present."

"What does she like?" Jungkook asked softly and squinted at me a little. "She likes everything to do with flowers." I had to smile at that. "Oh look!" Ria exclaimed happily and walked over to a booth. She also had a lot of energy. She examined the fabric of a shirt in her hands, and I noticed Jungkook shake his head. It seemed that this wasn't the first time Ria had been like this. I wanted to talk to him about it, but then Ria came back. "I'm going to the café over there. Does one of you need something?" she asked, looking at us. "Yeah, water for me." Jungkook shook his head, and Ria went in. It was so unusual to be alone with Jungkook, especially since it was rather difficult between us. However, last night was different. He seemed concerned for me, although I thought he didn't like me very much or was just beginning to form an acceptable friendship."I have an older brother." Jungkook's response really surprised me. No, I was even more surprised. I hadn't even asked or thought about such a thing, and I was rather cautious about what I would ask him. But the fact that he said something like that to me voluntarily gave me a glimmer of hope for a good, friendly relationship with him. "But I haven't seen him in a very long time." There was something sad in his voice, and it rubbed off on me a little. I felt for him, even if I didn't know it, not having seen someone from the family for a long time.

"I'm not forcing you to tell me any more details about it, but you can tell me if you want. So I just wanted to say that I will have an open ear for you." I was a bit embarrassed to say it and didn't get straight to the point that I would be there for him. Jungkook looked down at me and slowly nodded as Ria came back. I accepted my drink with thanks. "Now let's go shopping!" Ria shouted happily and put her arm between Jungkook and me. I looked at her briefly while she happily pulled us along. I wasn't used to something like that because I was more of a loner, but I'd never felt such a connection to anyone as I did to the people here.

After a while, we had bought a lot, and Jungkook carried all the things we bought. "Thanks for wearing those things." He just grumbled at my reply, and Ria giggled. Suddenly, she disappeared without saying anything, but just gave Jungkook a quick look. I couldn't define what kind it was. Jungkook next to me looked after her and had an equally funny look. What was the matter with the two of them now? They were acting really strange. "Come on and stay behind me!" I hesitated at his command, and he just grabbed my wrist and ran. As caught off guard as I was, I had trouble keeping up with him. "Damn Jungkook what's going on?!""Something's going on around here, probably a Level-E around here." What did he say?! It didn't improve anything, it just made me feel scared. They had told me that these vampires were dangerous, and I didn't want to meet any of them. After a few turns, we found ourselves in an empty alley, and as abruptly as he stopped, I crashed into Jungkook's back. I grabbed the fabric of his jacket just in time. I heard a throaty growl and looked past the tall, silver haired one. Ria stood against a man with a staff, and he must have been responsible for the noise and was therefore the level E. He noticed us, and again, such a noise escaped him. His facial expression was distorted into a grimace and sent a shiver down my spine. I've never been so scared. "Ria!" I cried, worried. I didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Oh, another nice meal." This man looked past Jungkook with hungry eyes and grinned at me in anticipation. He wanted my blood. Again, I found myself in such a situation, but this time I was frozen in fear. There was no comparison between Jimin and this thing. "Stay behind me, we'll take care of this." I nodded fearfully and walked further back to give Jungkook room. Immediately, he got into an attack position and drew his pistol. The vampire attacked Ria first, who was able to block the attack successfully, but he was so quick that when Jungkook tried to approach him, he cheated past him and came towards me. I was still rigid and didn't dare to keep my eyes open.

However, before he could reach me and hurt or even kill me, I was pushed aside by Jungkook. It all happened so fast that I couldn't keep my balance and fell hard to the ground. The impact left me breathless before I exhaled gaspingly and more from shock. It really hurt, but I sat down carefully. I turned my gaze back to what was happening in front of me. Jungkook pointed his gun in the man's direction, and they both appeared unharmed. But before he could let go of the shot, the vampire crumbled to dust.

All of a sudden Hoseok appeared from the night class, which annoyed Jungkook and me a bit when we were arguing. He put the blade of the sword he was holding back in its sheath and smiled at us. So it was he who destroyed the Level-E. Next to him was a boy with an expressionless face.
"Everything okay Hoseok" he asked me and kindly helped me up.
"Yes I'm fine and thank you."

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