xi. boat

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22nd march 2023, afternoon
melbourne, australia

olivia had been spending a lot of time with aiden. this was the pair's third day together. aiden had told olivia he had a fun day planned for them. the brunette couldn't lie she was excited.

the blonde picked her up early in the afternoon for lunch at a little café, olivia insisted they go to starbucks afterwards because she wanted coffee.

"liv, you could have got coffee from the cafe." aiden chuckled as she pulled him into the big coffee house.

"listen up blondie," aiden smiled at the nickname, "i can't have just any coffee. i need my daily starbucks."

she ordered but didn't pay, aiden did. "it's my coffee."

"i know, but i've brought you out today so i'm paying."

"you're spoiling me, walker."

"you deserve to be spoiled." he flashed her a toothy smile as she bit down on her bottom lip. olivia looked away hiding her blush.

"will you tell me where we're going?" olivia asked as they reached the car. aiden had been very secretive about what he had planned.

"right now, we're going go karting—"

"really!" it was no secret the brunette loved karting. she had been doing it since she was young with oscar.

"yes. i wanted to take you for something fun." olivia leaned over and hugged the blonde who laughed and hugged back.

as they pulled away, their eyes locked. aiden's hand moved from her shoulder trailing up to her face. olivia breathing hitched as his fingers took hold of her chin.

the brunette didn't know how long they stayed this way, she seemed to have gotten lost in his gaze. it was when he smiled again and removed his hand from her chin that she was brought back to reality.

"we don't want to be late." the brunette nodded as she sat straight and aiden pulled away.

"p3 baby!" olivia exclaimed as she looked at the time sheets. the brunette was proud of herself, since she hadn't been karting in a while. "p14 isn't bad."

"for my first time, i'm pretty happy." aiden nodded, impressed with himself.

"ready for dinner?" olivia nodded, looking skeptically at the boy who seemed extra excited.

"why're you so excited?" she interrogated as they reached his car.

"no reason," aiden smirked, "i just have something fun planned."

"surprise me, blondie."

"oh, you'll be surprised." she replied before taking off in the direction of the yarra river.

olivia tried to guess what the american boy had planned for them at the river but came up blank. "we're here!"

"what is here?" olivia asked as he parked the car in a relatively secluded area. "are you going to kill me?"

"what?" aiden was baffled by her question.

"this looks like a place you take someone to kill them."

"i'm not going to kill you." he shook his head as he held out his hand for the argentinian girl, "come on."

olivia interlocked her fingers with his. aiden led the way, looking back at her every now and then with a goofy grin. they approached a staircase going down to the river level, at the bottom of which was a sail boat.

olivia's jaw dropped as aiden hoped onto the boat, "you're kidding..."

"i'm not, liv. hop on!"

the boat had a small table, seated for two, on the deck. a candle and single rose decorated the top along with the plates and utensils.

olivia took aiden's had as he helped her on board. "aiden this is amazing..."

"i knew you'd like it!"

aiden introduced olivia to the captain of the boat, "sal here is an old friend of my dad's."

"this is beautiful." olivia looked out at the city around them as they sailed though the city. she could see all the restaurants by the river lit up from inside, all the people entering and leaving and walking down the streets.

it was wednesday night but melbourne was busy, with one week till the australian grand prix a lot of tourist had flocked into the city a little early.

the brunette was pulled out of her daze by classical music playing lightly behind her, she turned to see aiden stood opposite her.

"dance with me?" olivia giggled and nodded taking his hand as he pulled her towards his body. aiden's hand snaked around her waist as her wrapped around his neck. they swayed back and forth to the music, eyes locked, as the rest of the world faded away.

"this is too perfect..." olivia mumbled just loud enough for the blonde to hear her, "you're too perfect... it doesn't feel real."

aiden's lips curved up, "i'm real, via."

olivia was taken aback by the new nickname, or more like old nickname, she couldn't remember the last time she had been called by it.


"it fits." aiden shrugged. olivia nodded, she leaned her head forward onto the blonde's chest as they kept swaying. the song eventually came to an end and then two pulled away, although still holding each other.

"via, i really like you." aiden breathed out, "i think it's pretty obvious at this point. i've had the best time hanging out with you and i want to keep doing it."

"i really like you too..."

"i want to be more to you, via. i want you to be more to me. so what i'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?"

the brunette bit down on her lip to stop herself from smiling too wide, she jus hummed and nodded her head. aiden's smile grew ten times what it was as he picked up the girl and spun her round. olivia giggled as he placed her down, her hands flying to hold his cheeks.

once again the pair had locked eyes, the pads of olivia's thumbs gently brushing the blonde's cheeks. they faces were inches from each others, they noses practically bumping together.

in one swift motion, aiden had crashed his lips onto olivia's. the brunette was slightly shocked but kissed back as soon as she registered what was happening.

her hands travelled from his face to his hair as she ran them through his curly locks. aiden's hands gripped her hips as he pulled her closer. their lips moving feverishly against each others.

olivia was the one to pull away, panting from the lack of oxygen. aiden still held her close as they took deep breaths.

"i've been wanting to do this for so long," he smirked and leaned in to press another kiss to her lips, "and i can do it any time."

shitty ending but it was 3am when i wrote this so deal with it 😀

oscar is back next chapter and it's almost aussie gp time!! meaning that oscar will finally meet aiden 👀 i'm so excited cause the aussie gp was so chaotic and now add on olivia and aiden being there 💀💀💀

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