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There's something methodical about their routine.

Every single day there is one or two faces that I haven't seen in weeks that walk towards my cell to 'inspect' me. Collar me. To release their prized 'hound' onto the streets to clean up a mess, they couldn't give two shits about.

May that be Replicants, may that be gangs, may that be filth, may that be other dogs.

After that, I am back in this same old cell with an energy field between me and my freedom. And the very next day, new faces, new names, new voices. They come to experiment on me, to see what makes me so special.

To try and understand something that they wish to mass-produce, or maybe... evolve... or maybe, shape into a form that only they can wield. My will is far above their 'methods', and my hatred for them is more.

I crack a wide smirk every time they walk up to my cell.

A reminder, that I am not a dog they can control. The moment I get rid of my leash, there will be nothing left. But lucky for them what makes me special isn't something that can reach through the barrier placed at the entrance of my cell.

I lift my head to face the trio approaching my cell with PDAs. Tablets filled with information. Scans, ideas, and orders. All of the above. They can't wait to pick my brain, they can't wait to learn more, can't wait to get their dog on the streets again.

"Subject Zero," one of them calls to me.

I lift myself off from the cold floor, walking up to the barrier to follow their sick routine.


I cock my head, "Psyche."

"Where are you?"

On the sides of the wall electric prods reveal to cook me into submission. I glance at through the corner of my eye and then back at the scientist in front of me watching with a cold stare, the humanity these people wield... none will be spared for me.

"Site Zero," I answer. "Or have you moved me again?"

"Do you recall why are you here?" He ignores my question.

"Freak of nature."

"What is your name?"


"What is your real name?"


Another chuckles. "I wasn't sure you kicked it out of him, the same routines used with the replicants? What's the point if he is human?"

He nods. "This one is more human than all of us combined. But," he looks at the female scientist standing beside him, pointing to his head, "It is what is up here that makes him so special, psions are dangerous if not leashed. We need to remind him that he isn't in control."

Another shakes his head. "The procedure is similar but this is a reminder that our will is his will, and our wishes are his goals."

"How long have you been here?" The lead scientist locks eyes with me again.

"Long enough." My answer lets one of the rods spark beside me, a warning.

"How long have you been here?" He repeats the question.

I lean forward, he doesn't budge from his place. He turns around the tablet in his hands to show his finger resting on the button that will be sending my nervous system into total shock so that they can do their tests without my consent.

"Still no luck controlling him, huh?"

"For now," the female scientist breathes out. "We can't touch his brain with cybernetics because we run the risk of killing what makes him so special."

Something sends a shiver through my body, I glance at the lights in the distant rooms flickering. It flickers and then with a loud bang the lights behind them all explode. The emergency lights around us activate instantly and paint the room red.

"The main power-"

"The cells! Control send a clean-up team right fucking now! We lost power!" He turns to face me, clutching the PDA close to his chest with a whimper.

***   ???   POV   ***

Standing in front of a security booth, I watch the screen to see that someone sabotaged the powerlines flowing through the facility but their cybernetics made it impossible for them to be detected on the cameras.

The facility shuts down and the only occupied cell in this entire facility with a hundred on-hand personnel and twenty-five security officers all jump to attention.

I bring the screen into focus, Subject Zero steps out of his cell and swiftly kills the three scientists in question. Normal behaviour.

Next camera.

He is dodging bullets and laser-based projectiles. Beating the two guards stationed near the holding cell and he rips the biometric-locked weapons from their hands. Without looking he flings the gun to the camera to destroy it.

Siding next to me, one of the troopers remarks. "Nobody is alive."

I pull up the next camera feed, gesturing to that. "How does a naked man slaughter twenty-three cybernetically enhanced soldiers with nothing other than a metal shiv that he tore from the wall panelling."

He hands me something—a situation report.

I spin around in the seat and gesture to the person on the floor. "How did he do it," I lift my gaze to see the man we restrained moments after we attacked this facility. "We saved you," he lifts his gaze towards me.

Those eyes creep me out.

"So that means you also owe us your life," I crack a tiny smile. "Collar him, high explosive. He may be special but nothing's better than a Borg, it will be easy as piss to replace this one if he so much as step out of line."

I glance down at the situation report, the date is 26th May 2074.

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