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The room gradually fills up with more equipment and make-shift beds. There wasn't any expectation from my side to stay here but I guess you do what you have to. Now the real worry comes with whether or not we are able to make this partnership work.

Setting up a small little meeting room in the area we keep the equipment and the 'tub', we all gather around.

V  starts, "We all have a decent idea of why we are here?"

Quinn answers, "Safe to say Jack already forgot."

"Chill, Chica,"

V glances at us and Kiwi gestures for her to continue. "Right. The main reason we are here is information and we are after one of Apollo & Horizon's assets. He's the chief executive in charge of one of their RnD branches."

"A branch which up until recently worked with both 'Saka and Militech."

T-Bug corrects her, "More accurately, traded with them. The Swedes have a knack for some of the tech they've been after and they've been butting heads to get shit done."

V shoots her a glance, "Thanks, Bug. We are after either of the head technicians of the Rnd team or we settle for their Exo if he has the information we have. Want to cover the rest of the job?" She looks at Bug, "Is your field of expertise."

She nods, "Gladly. First fortress infiltration. The ICE, or Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics, for the few of you that don't know what that means, is thick, and getting through all the security might take a day or two to crack undetected."

"What about brute forcing it?"

Lucy answers that for me. "More strain, we can overheat and the viruses and countermeasures they can flood the sub-net with will more than likely fry whoever is in the tub."

T-Bug nods, "Exactly. We have three runners here and it should go smoothly if we all know what we are doing. Up until then, the rest of you are sitting pretty and monitoring our vitals and acting on the information we dig up."

"Then comes the interrogation. We either beat it out of them or we dig into their skull. All while this happens we have maybe a few hours to do this before either Trauma or their security detail react to their vitals."

Kiwi adds, "Hmmm. Could do well to replicate the signal or jam it. Jammer is safer, Lucy can jam the signal if we reach that stage."

"Still have to reach that stage," T-Bug counters. "We have time but the deadline is three days from now. There's enough eddies donated by the supplier to keep us fed up here."

"What are we looking for?" I ask.

"A replicant memory tool," Kiwi breathes out. "A model based off of the Save-Your-Soul deal. A chip that stores the 'soul' of said person to achieve immortality."

I twist my lips to the side. "Most replicants are made from those."

"Save-Your-Soul isn't for the sake of creating bio-engineered humans. The tool we are after saves and copies DNA... we are looking for a specific model that was requested from someone hiding out in NNC."

T-Bug continues, "Anything else we can snatch has a re-sell value but we don't expect to ever have to go out of our way to capture or kidnap someone unless we absolutely have to."

Jackie chuckles, "And if we do, we already made ends meet with that."

Quin looks at the rest of us. "Forged IDs. Nothing fancy but we should be able to walk into their lab without the security system flagging us but any guards are more than likely to shoot us on sight if we look even a little bit out of place."

"How will that work?" Falco asks.

V looks at us. "Out of the eight of us here, we have two net runners that are more than likely to stick to the tub."

"Falco will drive," Kiwi breathes out.

"Then that leaves the two of you as your net runner on site," V looks at Lucy, "And with an extra pair of hands with iron in them," her gaze settles on me.

Bug announces, "Don't worry about the things we do because the more info we can get out of it the more we can sell to the fixer. It will be split evenly among the groups and you are left to fight over the Eddies on your side."

"Good," Kiwi breathes out, "Then it is as we agreed?"

Quin chuckles, "Wouldn't dare leave you out to dry, besides, if this shit goes well you might just see our faces more."

T-Bug lifts herself, "I'll stick with what I have."

"Some of us," Quin corrects herself.

"Worry about reunions after we did the job," Jackie pats V's shoulder, offering a hand he lifts her to her feet. "So the rest of us sits on our asses and wait around while you crack the fortress?"

"Something like that," Bug breathes out with a hint of annoyance.

Almost like he didn't listen at all.

Kiwi is watching them carefully, and then glancing at the rest of us she makes a subtle gesture towards them before lifting herself after them. Flaco follows her as it leaves me still hovering in my position while Lucy shakes her head slightly.

"What do you think?" she asks me.

"On what?"

"The gig. Hard to trust fixers, especially fixers you never met before. What they are after seems harmless but that entirely relies on the client and the nature of it."

I glance at them. "Worried they won't carry their weight?"

"Falling behind would drag us all down with them," she breathes out. "Not that though, not our crew so don't expect more than what is expected."

Fair enough.

Time to get to work.

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