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Stuffing my face with the noodles from a plastic container, I am leaning against the railing watching the city work around me. Even though it is late at night I find it hard to sometimes distinguish if it is night or day.

Almost like the facilities. At some point I started counting the hours after I saw the sun for the first time... but at some point, I lost count and it made me insane. I couldn't keep track of how long I was in that facility.

But I guess past two years you stop giving a fuck about it.

In the distance, I can see a light show start to play and maybe hundreds of people going towards it.

In the distance, I can see a light show start to play and maybe hundreds of people going towards it

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It's beautiful. I'd imagine that all the colours would be a pain to look at but... I'd settle for this over the flickering lights of a facility draining more and more power to keep me contained. I could easily get used to this new life.

The two of them reach my table, my saviours.

I glance at the two of them. "Elster. You are a replicant, right?"

She locks eyes with me. "You could tell?"

I nod. "I recall a document about it. Though I was so sure that you'd be important to Lazarus instead you were the one to break me out. It's rare for Replicants to act out against their masters."

"No matter of mine," she says with a narrow stare. "But then again I could ask you the same thing, Why not just break out sooner? When you know as a Human you are far superior to the ones to control you. Could kill them long before they stood a chance."

Ariane is watching me carefully, she probably cares to hear my answer just as much as Elster.

I breathe out slowly before stating. "I was waiting for the perfect time, I once dashed for my freedom only to run straight into another cage. Patience, I felt that I just needed to wait for the perfect time to get out and here you were."

She cracks a little smile, "High praise from the Ghost himself."

I lift my shoulders into a shrug. "Don't make it out to be anything more than my gratitude."

She snorts, "Right right. So you placed things together yet?"

I nod. "Ariane," her eyes widen as if a lost puppy was suddenly included in the conversation. "You are like me, right? A Psion. Superhuman?"

Ariane glances around us before answering with a nod, "Y-yes. Though we shouldn't speak about it so loudly."

I nod. "Sorry," I glance at the people dancing in the distance. "I just figure because Lazarus stole a bunch of us from OMEGA and tried to use us in search of their own goals. Most of us turned into hounds and others were experimentation fuel."

Ariane breathes out in a pained whisper, "We are both from opposite ends, you the worst of one... and me..."

Elster stops her. "They'll pay."

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