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Sasha splits away from me to talk to others and I am left in the presence of Maine, Dorio, and Rebecca. Though a good chunk of people are split around and are still here within earshot.

Maine starts with laughter. "Nailed you good a couple of times. You corp hunters really know how to take a few punches... fucking knew how to hit back twice as hard."

"Thank my endless patience," I chuckle.

Dorio snorts as she crosses her arms. "Gloria said you were under strict management."

"Understatement," I shake my head before continuing, "I respect the Cyberpunks despite being a corpo hound."


"Bullshit!" Maine's huge hands almost knock me forward. "You kept us alive out of respect?"

"That and patience," I reiterate. "But yeah, I was jealous because all of you were free. I killed plenty of Scavs, gangbangers, psychos... but I rarely run across Edgerunners and when I do, I tend to leave you to your devices."

Dorio shoots me a sympathetic expression, "They treated you like shit."

I offer a smile, trying not to have my past be the focus of this conversation. "Happens. Though I am glad you guys can look at me without trying to put me in the ground."

Rebecca, who is older than her appearance lets on, drops down beside me with a snort. "Gonk like you beat our asses and shot my dumbass brother in the legs. Funny to see you in our hangout but glad to have a badass on our side," she rests her arms behind her head.

Maine laughs with her. "All that matters, will be good to have a runner like you around."

"Let me impress you first, without beating your ass."

He leans forward, looking at me over his glasses. "You want to try it again?"

I arch my brow at him and Dorio grabs his shoulder with a gorilla grip. His face twists and turns as he shoots her a pained expression, "You really want to wrestle someone you are going to have to look somewhere else big guy."

She lets go of his shoulder and she shakes his head with a snort. "Sure. Just so you know, this is my crew, going to have to put me in the ground before you try and run it."

I shake my head at him. "Nothing that drastic, just happy to be involved."

"Like you already," he laughs.

As the conversation drifts away, I catch a glimpse of Lucy. She's shooting me some nasty-looking side-eye with Pillar trying to inch closer to her. There are some established relationships between everyone here.

I shake my head and pull my attention to myself before shooting a glance at Rebecca. "Rebecca, right?"

"Becca," she corrects me. "Big guy talks like it is his team but Gloria's been running us with jobs. Still, it's his word above everyone else. Easier to listen to him if it gets him to shut up."

I cock my head

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I cock my head. "Had someone like that."

"Did'ya kill him?"

I snort. "That obvious?"

"Endless patience as you said, right?"

"I am kinda hoping to get along with most of you."

"Most?" She snorts. "You've already done that just by showing what you can do, rookie. Though rookie is probably the worst name for you. David's the real rookie in the group."


"Gloria's kid," she lifts her drink to take a large gulp. "Funny to think that woman would let her kid slot some tech in and join us but he's been helpful and cute so far."

"Hopefully his first job wasn't walking into me."

"Nah but meeting hunters and borgs are rare. I mean we fuck with the corps and expect them to piss on us every chance they get but not that easy to catch up." She lifts herself from her seat with a huff. "Try not to die now that you are on our side."

I look at my drink before saying with an exhale, "Die trying."

"You've got accolades! But that doesn't mean you know how to run like the rest of us just yet! Don't get all balsy!"

I shake my head before I down the drink and toss the bottle into the bin. A lot of people here and I bet quite a few of them are just close friends with them but only a fair few of them are running with Maine's Crew.

They are going to put us to work soon. I glance at Elster and Ariane. Wonder how they are going to work with us? No doubt they'd have some measure before putting any of us to work. I shut my eyes and crack my neck.

"Hey," I open my eyes to see Elster with her hands dug in her pockets. "Going to head back to Watson. You want to stick with these guys a bit or head back to the apartments?"

"I'll stick around a bit."

"You sure?" Ariane asks with a furrowed brow.

I nod. "You two head out."

"Here," Elster's eyes light up as she swipes over 13k eddies. "Your cut for a job well done. Just a little taste of it, right?"

I chuckle. "I feel even better about myself."

The two of them greet me before they head for the car. I was going to ask when the eddies were going to come over but now I don't have to be bothered by it at all. I hover for a moment to allow them to leave before I turn around to see a fair amount of people have either settled or gone and disappeared for the night.

Might as well head out, I'll get around to meeting the rest when I get a chance.

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