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We've transported everything and I already left the marker for Elster to fetch while we keep with what we have. Using anything more would tie us to several different runs and the last thing we need is for them to hunt us down.

We are all standing back in the apartments, going through our plan.

Kiwi begins, "So... we have the weapon that's going to be the key factor in determining the success of this run. For everyone going in your focus is everything you can find information-wise and the target in question."

Bug adds, "We need the VIP but he isn't ours to torture. We are bagging him and dropping him off on the client's doorstep. We wipe our hands at the door and we forget everything that happened, after that. We don't even know each other."

Kiwi glances at her. "We don't have to go that far seeing as we don't really operate in this area, the mercs and runners here will get a good rep and we are happy to see they've been pulling off big hits. We get paid, for both the delivery of the target, and then acquisition of the tool, and we make more from the information we sell."

Quin asks, "The payout?"

"Evenly between teams," Bug answers. "Right now we aren't factoring in the payout from the info we klepped, but we have a million Eddies on the line. We are all guaranteed a big payout for this Gig."


Kiwi lifts herself. "We are an hour out. Get ready people, nobody is going to pick up your slack."

We all break away to get ourselves equipped. I am sat in our room as I ready my weapons before reaching over for the weapon that is going to be our pilebunker, though I won't ever want to be that close to him.

Lucy reloads her pistol and then rests against the wall pulling out a cigarette.

Both Kiwi and Falco step into our part of the apartment. "We've already gotten rid of everything, make sure you didn't leave anything here because we are not coming back to this place."

"Straight to ONC?" I ask.

Falco answers, "Correct. Know the drill, we lay low."

Lucy blows the smoke out of her lungs, "It's going to be a long night. More than likely the rest won't be hearing from us... how did they fare?"

Kiwi answers as if it is her turn. "Gloria mentioned that both Elster and Ariane's separate gigs with the rest of the crew went smoother than ours ever will. Figures that we draw the short straw on this one... but it looks like we are gearing up for something big."

"Big?" Lucy narrows her eyes.

"Faraday called," she states. "He hasn't talked yet, refuses to say anything till he gets both Maine and Gloria in the same room but Maine only just came back."

She shakes her head, "So much for laying low."

"I don't expect us to be out on the field that quickly, Luce."

She doesn't say anything more than that. "We are about to set up, best of luck to us."

The two of them leave and I put the weapon aside before walking up to Lucy. She is watching them with an observing stare, she almost looks bothered... suspicious maybe? I can't really that look on her face.

"Lucy?" She turns her attention to me. "What's that look for?"

"Nothing," she exhales.

I rest my hands on her arms, "You sure?"

With a quick nod. "Yeah."

"That look isn't telling me much other than the opposite," I cock my head at her.

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