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I reach the elevator. I press the button and quickly place the case on the ground to see if it is actually in there. Popping open the case I spot the gun in almost pristine condition, there are four rounds in a decorative casing placed in the foam.

A sniper shotgun. How do you rate that works? Isn't that basically artililary?

I shut the case and take the sling used to carry my rifle and instead attach the magnetic locks to the exterior and throw it over my shoulder. Streatching my shoulders I have a feeling that this is going to be a terrible walk down.

The doors open up and I instantly lift my gun to mow down the security bots in the elevator. I can hear some of their voiceboxes glitch out as I dump the mag into their chassis. I grab the mag and toss it aside as I turn around to head for the stairs.

Alert. Security protocols engaged.

"You are out of time," Lucy connects back to the open channel.

"Noticed the hard way," I say as I start to rush down the steps. "The bots were out long before the security system noticed you were putting things where you shouldn't.

"Trauma is also inbound. NCPD is also on their way... the signals I am intercepting are numerous. We are past the point of no return (Y/N), we are only one report away from having to deal with MaxTac or Lazarus' security detail."

The door behind me bursts open, I am launched down the stairs. I heighten my senses and twist my body around. I manage to fire a couple of shots before my spine bends around the case. I roll off of the case and lift myself to my feet.


"Yeah... yeah I am still here."

I wince at the pain, and shaking it off I drag my feet down the steps. Watching the doors carefully I focus on heightening my senses so that I can rush all the way down. The doors burst open only after I passed giving me plenty of time to rush past.

I reach the bottom floor and burst through the door with my shoulder. Stepping into the hallway I am faced with maybe dozens of armoured personnel and bots who all lift their weapons, I leap to the opposite end of the hallway and slide over the floor as the hallway is lit up.

I ditch the case and make my way to the end of the hallway.

I press my hand against the edge of the corner and swing around with my sights aimed at the end of the hallway. Pacing every shot I fire another bullet before the other barely has a chance to travel far from me.

Unloading my mag with single shots, I drop to my knee and toss the mag aside only to load the last one on me. The moment I cock it I lift the rifle again to see the bodies all hit the floor simultaneously.

I gasp for air, pressing the butt of the gun against the ground to force me to my feet.

"You two there?" I ask weakly.

"We are just about to reach the front," Quin yells over the comms. "It's not looking good, Ghost. We have pissed off half of New Night City with this raid and if we don't get to the badlands now we are beyond fucked."

"Yeah... yeah," I push myself to the case and grab it by the handle.

With a weird limping run I prop up the rifle under my arm as I head to the front of the facility. That knocked all of the fight out of me, but I managed to catch my breath easily but nanosurgeons ain't going to make me feel any less tired.

Two rush me and I mow them down with a burst that makes them slide across the floor. More and more poor into the central hallway and I take care of them as I inch closer and closer to the exit.

Revenants (Cyberpunk X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now