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"Are you there?"

I open my eyes to hear that same voice from earlier.

"Don't worry. I encrypted this end of our conversation. Your AV is close enough to Lazarus and I am rerouting all of the sound to an isolated server. Besides, it doesn't matter if they can hear you or not."

I shut my eyes again. "I could be killed if they found out I was talking to someone who isn't my Handler."

"Do you want to be free?"

I open my eyes again. "Define freedom."

"No more leash, no more bombs in the back of your neck. You uphold your bargain for your freedom... granted I have no possible way of making sure you uphold your bargain but if you escape they will be focussed on you rather than us. We can help each other."

"What do you suggest I do then?"

"Report to your handler with that Data. I have a present for you. When it's done, I'll send you coordinates."


The AV lands and I climb out of it to be met with security walking casually towards me and then walk me to the entrance of the main building. I watch them all carefully as one of them asks me.


I don't respond.

"Don't talk to the tools," another adds. "Besides, you are just going to piss him off and then piss off the fuckers that put his guy on a leash. I don't want to be the one in the same room the moment this fucker loses control."

"Right right right."

We step through the facility, I lower my gaze to the floor to keep my eyes to myself. Funny how this was trained in me and I am just doing it instinctively like a good little puppy. Besides, right now my mind is elsewhere.

The door to my handler's office slides open to see him sitting there with a smug expression on his face.

"Good job," he chuckles.

I lift my gaze to look at him. The backdrop is Night City, lit up in all her glory. I walk over to him and connect my personal to the table to upload the information I took back. He taps his nails against the table as he watches me.

There's a weapon lying on his table, the grip pointed towards me. As if he wants me to reach for it.

"A good hunt?"

"It was manageable."

He snorts. "You let those idiots go, or did you forget that your collar has been feeding us information all this time?" I feel my heart sink slightly. "Why didn't you kill the punks?"

"Jealousy," I state.

"Little baby wants to taste the free world?" He lifts himself. "The moment you step out of there without us, you'd wish you were back in your cage. Besides, the cage is all you know. Shame that a freak of nature like yourself has been reduced to such."

I don't respond.

"But I am afraid this is the end of the line for you. We don't need you anymore and you are nothing but a walking disaster."

A red message pops up in my optics.

Ghost. I've disabled the arming mechanism in the bomb in your neck. Fight for your freedom, come find us, we still need you but if you want to take your own way out... then I wish you luck.

Sincerely, Elster.

I crack a wide smirk as I use my senses to steal the gun. I spin around to pop the two guards' skulls behind me and then spin back around to see him showing the arming mechanism between his hands.

Revenants (Cyberpunk X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now