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With tails tucked everyone scattered away from the brief confrontation. Some sat in their seats to finish their food, others partied on, and the more sensible of the lot left before anything could be tied to them.

The same goes for us.

We reached a point where we broke into a nearby building's security gates with Lucy's help and made our way to the roof of the small building. We all gathered at the edge and hid behind the roof's solid railings as we watched the facility.

"What's there to see?" Quin asks as she lowers herself.

"Standard issue security," I state. "The turrets are powered but they only respond to orders. Does look like the cameras around the place are scanning constantly so taking those out would probably kick the security into overdrive."

V groans, "Hmm. Dunno about our other plans but it looks like we only really have one way to go about this."

Lucy's eyes narrow, "See something?" I ask her.

Shaking her head, "Not a lot of good things. There are some places where we can insert an ICE-Breaker protocol and granted I can break through we stand a better chance at going through the security."

Quin asks, "Gonk terms, please."

"I can disable the turrets and cameras if they are all connected to the same net. It wouldn't be harmless to get closer and just ping the net to see what is connected to it. With that, I can update our optics and even tag internal systems."

I add, "It could make finding whatever you are looking for even easier. It all has to go somewhere and probably the terminal that is controlling the net. Might have to build a virus to crack through any password or bio protection."

Lucy breathes out, "Would be loads easier to just grab a scientist to give us everything. Security is bound to know what they need to know."

V states, "The plan was to infiltrate tomorrow because the schedule that we received said the person in question will be at the facility and after that, we will have a hard time finding anything about them."

I lift myself. "Then that means poking a stick at it and hoping they don't turn us to ash."

Lucy lifts herself after me, "Should be quick, you two can stay here and watch."

"Will do," Quin answers, almost pleased that she doesn't have to do anything.

The two of us head back the way we came and from where we came I can hear the Sirens finally responding to the gunfire that felt like it happened ages ago. The two of us walk away from that and head straight for the facility.

"A lot of things are need-to-know."

She nods. "They probably got the info as they were going, or maybe they already had a plan and expect us to work with that plan without any worries. I guess they didn't opt for insider knowledge on our end."

"It's small details," I breathe out.

"Those tiny details turn into big fucking details pretty quickly if you ignore them."

The sirens rush past us instead of heading to where we killed the gang members. We both shoot each other a concerned stare before we start sprinting toward the sirens that seem to linger around the outside of the facility.

We pass the corner, she peeks around it and I peek around it over her head. Zooming in with my optics I can see a hulk of a man standing at the very center of the responders. His entire body is chrome and despite looking human, he is standing there lifeless.

Lucy breathes out, "Isn't that fortunate? Looks like we might get to see the security in action. Think it is a psycho?"

I rest my arm against the wall to support myself as I focus my optics on scanning his body. The information connected to the database gives me a drop-down list of the person in question.

Revenants (Cyberpunk X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now