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It was a nice three day weekend, so when Tuesday morning comes I'm a little glum to have to go back to school. I liked spending all weekend with Seth, we just binge watched You after he took me back to my house to get some more clothes to wear and toiletries. I ended up changing into the red dress of course before we went back to my house so my parents wouldn't see me in the black dress. We watched You until we finished most of the show, we have one more season left. We slept in the bed all weekend with me which was nice too, I felt so close to him. But we didn't do anything, not like in my dream. We mostly just laid in bed and talked until we fell asleep.

When I make it into my history class, I see Conner for the first time since the party. He never texted me back, I hope he's not upset with me. He looks up and smiles when he sees me, I smile back.

"Hey, I'm sorry I never texted you back. I meant to, but when I got home my parents got pissed at me and took my phone all weekend." He explains calmly. I take a seat beside him.

"Oh, it's okay. Did you get it back yet?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, finally." He grins showing off his perfect teeth. "Hey... Do you have anything planned tonight?"

"Nope. What'd you have in mind?" I question.

"I was thinking we could go out to eat." He responds, the teacher Mr.Himbry walks in.

"Sounds great." I smile happily as class begins.

Once class ends, Conner begins walking with me to our last period class, Science. McKenna and I see each other in the hallway, she smiles happily, I grin at her as we part ways.

"Where did you want to go?" He asks referring to where we're going to eat tonight.

"We could go to that little Italian place?" I suggest.

"I love that restaurant. I'll pick you up at... How's six work?" He asks once we reach the class room.

"Six is perfect." I smile at him as we take our seats beside one another.

Conner and I part ways in the hallway as McKenna giddily approaches me.

"Hey!" She chirps. "How was your weekend?"

"It was really fun! Seth and I hung out, I stayed with him all weekend." I giggle.

"Awww. What did you guys do?"

"We watched this show called You on Netflix and just talked." I tell her, her eyes widen.

"I love that show! Chandler and I watch it together." She says happily, we begin walking to our cars through the school.

"It's so good!"

"Right?! So what are you doing after school today?" She questions.

"Conner and I are going out to dinner at six." I tell her.

"Oooh, where are you guys going?" She asks curiously.

"That little Italian place near down town." I respond, we make it to the parking lot.

"Oh how fun! Tell me how goes." She smiles sweetly. "Chandler's coming over today."

"You tell me how that goes, and I'll tell you how my thing goes." I giggle, she grins.

"You know it."

We part ways as I get to my car and get in it. I start my car as my phone chimes in my purse, I pull it out to see that I have a text from Seth, my heart skips a beat.

Hey, wanna hang out today?

A small amount of sadness fills me, I wish I could hang out with him too but I already have this date with Conner.

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