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A/N: Hey there! The song for this chapter is Love Me Or Let Me Down by Svrcina because I feel like it really relates to Hazel and Seth. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Okay... On to the story:)

"Oh my God. No way! He went down on you again?!" McKenna gawks with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

"Yeah, he did. I'm not sure what's happening between us lately but I kind of don't want it to stop." I admit.

McKenna is my best friend, I'll tell her everything. She's the friend that doesn't count when you tell the other person 'I won't tell a soul' yeah, Kenna doesn't count. McKenna knows everything because I fill her in on everything and vice versa. We both lean against two large rocks that are on the beach, she stares at me like I just told her I've won twelve thousand dollars in a game of poker.

"You know what this means don't you?"

I look at her confused. "No?"

"Seth has feelings for you!" She exclaims grabbing my shoulders.

"What? Are you sure? I think he just wants to be friends with benefits."

"No, no, no. Hazel you've got it all wrong. I'm telling you, Seth has actual real romantic feelings for you. Tell him you're still in love with him already! You have to!" She's begging me by this point, I gulp.

"I can't do that."

She groans loudly. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to get shot down a second time. That felt like hell and I felt so stupid afterwards. If this is as close to him romantically as I'll ever be, I'll take it." I admit.

She smacks her forehead with her palm before looking at me again.

"This is insane." She drones on. "Why would Seth be doing these sexual acts with you if he didn't feel some kind of romantic way about you? Hazel I'm usually right about this kind of thing. I know the first time when I thought he had feelings for you I was wrong, but I'm telling you. There's just no way he doesn't. Go talk to Leah! She's around him all the time! Ask her if she thinks he has feelings for you."

"What? No. I'll look weird if I ask her that, I doubt he's told her or anyone else anything." I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm just going to stick to what we have going on, I'm beyond pathetically grateful that we're even doing this at this point." I tell her as we begin walking.

"It's written on the wall Hazel, the writing is literally on the wall. Seth feels something for you, open your eyes."

"No. I don't want to get my hopes up again just to get shot down again. That was horrible and the worst night of my life. That's the one memory I try my best not to think about. Can't we just talk about something else? Tell me about what's been going on with you and Chandler?" I say trying to change the subject, she sighs and then grins.

"Oh, Chandler. He's dreamy. I still don't know how my parents haven't figured out that I've been sneaking him in through my window at night to have sex." She says laughing lightly.

"You're a brave soul McKenna." I say laughing.

"Trust me, I know. God help us if my dad does walk in my room one night though. I feel like Chandler would get a broken nose... Or a broken arm. I dunno, something would get broken."

"Maybe I should sneak Seth in through my bedroom window..." The very thought intrigues me.

"Don't let my wicked ways influence you." McKenna grins mischievously.

"Seth and I have never done anything in my room before... I kind of want to try it and see what happens. Ya know, for the thrill of it." I tell her.

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