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Seth's POV

"Friends with benefits?!" Dakota spits out his beer.

"Oh for the love of Pete." Kai groans as he covers his face with his hands.

"Hey, it's better than nothing with her." I defend.

Kai and Dakota look at me like I've just suggested we go do the most insane thing, they're looking at me like I've sprouted a second head.

"Seth, Hazel doesn't want to be friends with benefits. She wants to be more than that!" Dakota exclaims, he takes another sip of his beer.

"If she wanted to be anything more than that then I'm pretty sure she would have said it." I respond.

"She's not going to say it, she thinks you don't have feelings for her." Kai sighs heavily.

"And she's not going to admit to her feelings unless you tell her you have feelings for her first." Jacob chimes in.

"What makes you think that?" I ask him curiously.

"Because, she already got shot down from you once. Why would she put herself in that position again?" He replies.

"The way I see it, she doesn't have romantic feelings for me anymore but she's fine with doing this. I'm not going to push my luck with her, I'll take what I'm getting."

Kai rolls his eyes. "You're being so oblivious to the obvious."

"I think both of you need to sit down and confess your feelings to each other already." Dakota retorts.

"How did you feel when she suggested she wanted to be friends with benefits?" Jacob asks looking me in the eyes.

"Honestly? I felt disappointed, but only because I do have feelings for her."

"Right. Exactly." He responds. "Chances are she feels the exact same way."

I shake my head. "Like I said, I'm not going to push my luck with her. Besides, I just got her back and away from that abusive asshole. I'm just trying to savor as much of her as I can."

Kai takes another sip of his beer. "Both of you are oblivious. How long are you going to keep up this friends with benefits act anyway? One of you is bound to crack and eventually admit your feelings."

"I guess I'll just wait and see if she confesses that she has feelings for me, but I doubt that's going to happen. She seems pretty satisfied with what we're doing right now. I'm lucky to even kiss her after the way I hurt her."

Dakota groans in annoyance. "You're being an idiot."


Hazel's POV

"So! How was your weekend with Seth?!" McKenna grins excitedly.

We are currently sitting in Kirby's diner eating our burger and fries, it was my idea to come here. This is the cutest little diner and I love that my parents met here.

"We fooled around all weekend long." I grin happily.

"Oh my God. How was it?!"

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