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The doorbell rings and I take one last glance at myself in the mirror. My hair is straightened and silky looking making it look extra long. I'm wearing a red strapless dress that comes just above my knees, and a pair of black strappy kitten heels. It's a little chilly out as usual so I brought my black leather jacket with me. I feel confident yet nervous and giddy all at the same time.

Order the most expensive thing on the menu... But then you'll have to put out! McKenna texts me. My eyes widen and I laugh.

Oh my God, McKenna! I reply.

I'm kidding! But seriously, get the most expensive thing on the menu ;)

I giggle shaking my head and put my phone away. As I make my way down the hallway I see my parents talking to Conner who is standing in the doorway holding a bouquet of red roses. My heart beats nervous when our eyes meet, he scans my appearance and grins charmingly.

"Hey." I smile cheerfully.

"You're beautiful." He compliments, my dad just eyes him carefully. I already begged him to be nice when Conner got here, he promised he would.

"Thank you." I sheepishly smile.

"Well aren't you charming." My mom grins.

"Humph." My dad grumbles.

"Daddy..." I mutter.

"What?" He says defensively.

"You said you would be nice."

"This is me being nice." He responds before plastering a fake smile. I want to roll my eyes but I don't.

I walk over to Conner as he hands me the pretty roses. "These are for you." He says sweetly.

"Thank you so much, they're beautiful." I reply smiling up at him. His eyes are so happy and bright, I like looking at them.

I take the roses and grab the empty vase from the top of the fridge, it's so convenient that we have this. I place the roses in the vase and fill it with water before setting it on the dining room table.

"Well, we'd better get going." I say turning to face them.

"Alright." Conner replies giving me a wink, my heart beats wildly as I fight back a smile. He's so charming... and handsome.

"If you hurt my daughter, I'll break your spine." My dad says in a fake nice voice, my eyes widen as do Conner's.

"Oh my God, dad!" I exclaim. "Be nice!"

"Paul." My mom sighs deeply and shakes her head in disapproval. "We discussed this."

My dad just stands there with his arms folded over his chest and a proud of himself expression on his face.

"No, no, it's fine." Conner clears his throat. "I promise I won't do anything of the sort, sir."

I bury my face in my hands for a moment before looking back up at him and giving him an apologetic smile. He doesn't look freaked out or unhappy, instead he just gives me a crooked smile. He holds out his hands for me to take, it gives me butterflies in my stomach when I reach out and our fingers tangle.

"Have fun you two." My mom sweetly speaks. I turn around and give her a small smile as Conner and I exit the house.

Conner opens the passenger side door for me and I thank him sheepishly before getting in and buckling up. Once we're down the road away from the house I turn to face him.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry about my dad." I mumble in embarrassment. He chuckles musically.

"It's fine, really. My dad was the same way when Rebecca started dating. He told the guy she was going out with that he was going to end up on The First Forty-Eight if he broke her heart." He tells me, I end up laughing at that which makes him grin.

Yaunfen (Book three to Attraction) Where stories live. Discover now