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Oh the bonfires, one of my favorite things that we all do. Everyone always shows up and it's a really nice time. Listening to the elders tell the stories of the vampires has always pulled me in, but now that I've met a nice one and known my mom used to be one, maybe not all of them are as threatening as they seem to be. Aunt Renesmee is a hybrid and she's the sweetest person ever, but she's also the imprintee of Jacob Black so she can't be harmed in any way. None of the imprintees are to be harmed, we are all kept safe and protected. McKenna is off a few feet away talking to the man I learned to be Kai who is new to Jacob's pack, he seems nice enough. They seem to be having a very deep conversation though and McKenna is wearing a shocked expression on her face right now. Seth is here with me too but we're having to act like we're just friends so my parents won't get suspicious since they are here too tonight.

I watch as McKenna hurriedly walks over to me, she looks upset about something. I stand up from sitting next to Seth as she gulps and takes my hand.

"Can we go for a walk real quick?" She asks, she looks like she's pleading with me. I nod my head yes as worry begins to fill me.

Once we are a few feet away from the bonfire and everyone else, it sounds like McKenna is crying. I stop walking and grab her hand.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did he say something to upset you?" I ask with worry lacing my voice.

She shakes her head no as more tears leave her eyes.

"He told me he imprinted on me." She says quietly through her cries.

"Wait... What?" I sound as shocked as she looked earlier.

"Yeah, but I'm with Chandler and what's worse is I feel this strong pull for Kai from the second I met him. Now I don't know what to do." She explains as she wipes at her eyes.

"Oh no... Are you worried that you'll be in a love triangle?" I ask her gently.

"Yeah I am, I'm scared that's what this might turn into. I feel so confused right now." She admits softly.

I pull her in for a hug.

"Just take a deep breath. Do you still want to be with Chandler?" I puzzle, she nods her head yes.

"But now you have eyes for Kai?" She nods her head yes again.

"What should I do?" She asks in concern.

"Well... Maybe you should break up with Chandler for right now and just take a while to yourself so you can collect your thoughts. Or, go on a break with him at least." It's the only thing I can think of.

"Okay..." She sighs a shaky breath. "I think I can do that. I'll tell him tomorrow after school, we can meet somewhere."

"Everything's going to be okay." I tell her gently. She gives me a weak smile.

I link arms with her as we begin walking back to join everyone else, I notice Kai is watching her with a saddened expression on his face. He looks like he feels bad about something, like he thinks it's his fault that she's been crying. I'm worried about McKenna now, I don't want her to be stuck in a love triangle, I've heard love triangles are the worst. Hell, I was almost in a love triangle.


When McKenna and I get out of school she tells me she's going to meet Chandler at a coffee shop in Forks and gently break things off with him. She said it's not fair to him if they just go on a break when she doesn't even know what her next move is going to be, she doesn't want to keep him waiting.
I on the other hand and driving home to take another birth control pill and then go to Seth's house. We have plans.
Neither of my parents are there when I get home so I just take my pill and text both of them that I'll be at Seth's house. My body aches for him the whole drive there, it feels like we haven't had sex in weeks when in reality it's only been a few days from last weekend. 
I smile when he opens the front door, he doesn't have a shirt on, my favorite.

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