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When my eyes open I sit up in bed and turn off my alarm. I get out of bed and begin my morning routine before putting on some makeup and getting dressed for school, when I walk down the hallway I stop suddenly when I see my dad holding a bouquet of flowers and a card. I quickly hide in the hallway again, he better have one hell of an apology.

"You didn't have to do all of that." My mom's voice is soft and meek.

I feel bad for her, she just wanted to have a friend over. I don't think she did anything wrong and I think my dad way overreacted.

"Yes I did. I screwed up last night... I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you." He sounds sincere.

"Willow, I love you. I love you more than my own life. I've almost lost you before and at one point I did, I don't ever want anything to happen to you, or Hazel. Both of you are my world. The thought of something happening to you again terrifies me. You were miserable when you were a vampire, I don't want that to happen to you again. I don't know how I could live with myself if that happened to you again. I wasn't there to protect you when it happened the first time and I saw how it killed you inside. You never wanted that. And when Dylan attacked you I thought I had lost you for good when I found you laying there on that floor. I can't lose you, I just can't. And what about Hazel? She would have to grow up without you. I can't bare the thought of us having to live without you. And the thought of losing Hazel? I don't even want to think about that."

When he finishes speaking I close my mouth as it has fallen open. My mom was a vampire?! When? How?! How is she human again if she was a vampire before? Who is Dylan?! I have so many questions that I know they aren't going to give me the answers to. I'll have to call Seth today and tell him all of this, maybe he knows something and he can give me answers.

"I love you, I'm sorry for bringing Lindsay over without considering how you would feel about it first. I promise you aren't going to lose me or Hazel. And you're right I was miserable when I was a vampire but I don't think that would ever happen to me again. And if it does? Then I'll just be a vampire but at least I'll have both of you, my family." Her voice is so gentle, but that's my mom. That's Willow. She's a gentle and soft spoken soul.

I go back to my room once I hear them kissing, I can go without listening to that. I'm good. I decide to give them their privacy as I go back to my room and grab the hoodie that I forgot to grab, it's going to be cold outside today I just know it. And it's always cold in my first period class, we need a heater in that room but it's broken right now. After a few minutes, I come out of my room and try to act casual as I get some coffee that my mom has made. When I look at her, she gives me a loving smile. She looks happier, so does my dad. They both look lighter.

"I'm sorry I got mad and yelled at you last night." My dad suddenly speaks, I give him a playful smile.

"You're forgiven." I say as I take a sip of my coffee from the plain white mug.

My eyes flicker down to the mugs my parents are holding, my mom is holding a pink one and my dad is holding a yellow one. I need to ask them why they always one use those two colors, they have multi colored mugs but they only ever use those two. My mom is mainly always holding a pink or yellow mug and my dad is always holding a yellow one. Maybe it's an inside joke they have.

"It's going to be cold and rainy today so drive slow." My dad suddenly speaks, I look at him in confusion for a moment before he slides my car keys over to me.

My face lights up as I big grin spreads across my face, he smiles at me.

"Really?!" I excitedly speak as I stand up from the dinning room chair. He gives me a nod. I rush over to him and give him a giant hug.

"You're the best! You're the best! Thank you!" I fervently tell him.

"Did you just admit that I'm the best dad ever?" He playfully responds, there is a smug smile on his face now.

"Yes, you're the best dad ever." I tell him as I give him another smile as I go to take my seat again.

"Now all you need is one of those shirts that says 'world's best dad' and you'd be good to go." My mom chimes in, she winks at me.

"I'd wear that shirt." My dad responds taking a sip of his coffee which makes my mom and I both laugh.


I happily park my car in my usual parking spot before getting out and making my way up the porch steps. A smile forms on my face when I spot McKenna who grins happily when she sees me, we make our way over to each other.

"I got my car back!" I excitedly tell her, her face lights up.

"That's great news! I'm so happy for you!" She tells me as she links our arms.

"Thank you! It's a good day. My dad just handed me my car keys this morning, it feels so good to be the one to drive myself to school today." I tell her as we make our way into the school.

"Do you want to go get coffee after school today?" She asks hopefully.

"Sure we can, our usual place?"

"Yep, perfect" She smiles at me.

We part ways in the hallway as I go to my first period class, I'm so thrilled I got my car back.

When school lets out, I meet McKenna in the parking lot as we both say goodbye to each other before we go meet up at our favorite coffee shop in Forks. It begins to rain as I start driving so I make sure to drive a little slower than usual, I don't like to drive in the rain very much. I make it to the coffee shop and hurry inside so I don't get rained on, McKenna is already in line ordering her drink.
I order my drink and make my way over to the two seater table with her.

"So, have you told Seth that you're still in love with him yet?" She asks eyeing me.

"What? No. Of course not. I thought we discussed that I'm not doing that." I answer her.

"You guys are fully intimately involved now. If he didn't have feelings for you then, then he is for sure going to get them for you now. Give it a shot."

"Most guys are able to just have sex and not catch feelings. Look at Gunner Sean? He only does hook ups and never catches feelings." I point out.

"Hazel, I'll bet you a snickers bar and twenty bucks that Seth has feelings for you."

"While that does sound tempting... No. I'm not going to tell him."

"How long are you going to be able to keep this act up for?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, this 'I'm fine with being friends with benefits act' is only going to last so long. You're going to crack eventually and not be able to do it anymore because it will be too hard to hold back your feelings and too painful. I know you, you're my best friend"

"Well then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but for now I'm fine."

She shakes her head at me. "It just doesn't make sense though... Why hasn't he confessed his feelings for you yet? What's stopping him?"

"Seth doesn't have feelings for me."

"He could." She suggests.

"Doubt it."

We both get up to go get our drinks before sitting back down at the table.

"Maybe he doesn't think you have feelings for him and that's what's stopping him. Maybe you're the one who has to let him know how you feel." She tells me.

"That's not going to happen."

"You're going to crack at some point Hazel, and when you do I'll be there to give you a giant hug and an I told you so when Seth admits his feelings for you." She says giving me a smile.

I wish she were right.

Yaunfen (Book three to Attraction) Where stories live. Discover now