12: Mini-Bishop

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Hailee's Pov

It was afternoon, and I was walking toward the station after a long day at school. Maya and Carina were both working and station 19 was just a couple of blocks from the school, so I decided to go there instead of the hospital. I kinda hated hospitals...
"Hi Manon, when are you available?" I texted her "For chemistry..."
I waited for a few seconds and then the familiar ring of my phone warned me that she had already answered.
"Hi Hailee, what about tomorrow after school? You can choose where, I don't mind" I didn't know why, but I was smiling like an idiot at that text.
"After school I walk to station 19... We can study there".
Another ring of my phone "Why at a fire station?"
"My foster mom is the captain" I answered as I started to walk toward the entrance of the station, seeing that the trucks were not inside. Maya was probably not there...
"Okay. See you tomorrow" Manon texted back as I entered the station, seeing a man with a kind look on his face sitting at the front desk.
The noise made the firefighter raise his eyes and he instantly looked at me with concern. When he stood up from the chair, I took a step back, still not really comfortable around guys.
"What can I do for you?" he asked kindly and I looked at Maya's office, praying to see her as soon as possible.
"I'm here... I'm here to see Maya" I said, swallowing back my fear.
My name is Hailee Donovan and I will not be afraid. I told myself, looking at everything but the guy in front of me.
"Captain Bishop is not here at the moment, the team is coming back from a call. You can wait for her inside of her office and I will tell her to come and see you as soon as she arrives..." he offered and I nodded rapidly, wanting to be alone for a second.
My hand was already on the door handle when his voice arrived in my ears again.
"What name should I tell her? If she asks me who is waiting for her..." he asked and I thought about it for a second.
"Lia" I answered, closing the door behind my back.
I felt tears running down my cheeks as I walked in the direction of her desk, sitting down on the chair, and there, finally alone, I let myself feel all of my fears and I broke down crying.
How could I be scared of a normal guy with a sweet smile? Was I really that broken?
I was still crying when Maya opened the door, and as I heard the sound of it I stood up and I threw myself in her embrace, feeling the usual wave of comfort that she gave me.
Buried in her chest, my sobs turned into soft whimpers.
"Shhh Lia... It's okay. I'm here. Maya's here" she whispered, giving me a kiss on the top of the head.
"What happened Lia? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly and I nodded, still keeping my head on her chest. Her heartbeat was strong in my ear...
"I was here alone and there was a guy at the front desk... And I couldn't be there with him..." I said, enjoying the warm feeling of her arms wrapped around my body. I felt safe with her...
"Travis? Has he been rude to you?" she questioned and I shook my head.
"No. He was n-nice. I just... I just felt un-un-uncomfortable. Being alone with a man was... I don't know... Too much and too soon" I explained and I felt another comforting kiss on my forehead.
"Do you want to cuddle for a little bit?" she asked and I said yes in a whisper. Hearing that Maya scooped me up, she walked carefully to her chair and, still holding me close, she sat down with me on her knees.
I started to calm down in her embrace and I suddenly realized how dependent I was becoming. I tensed up and Maya immediately understood that something wasn't okay.
"Lia?" she asked "Is everything okay?".
"I'm sorry..." I said standing up "I feel like I'm five years old... I shouldn't be this clingy. I'm sorry".
She wrinkled her eyebrows while looking at me with a confused expression on her face.
"You're not clingy Lia... You went through a bad moment and you needed comfort. I'm glad that I can give you that feeling of safety" she said and for a weird reason, I believed her.
"And a sixteen year old can have all the cuddles that she wants" she added with a smile.
"I'm just not used to this. To affection" I explained.
"Neither was I. Not until Carina. But I got used to it, because your m-Carina loves cuddles" she said "Now... I have to talk to my team for a moment. Do you want to meet them? It's totally up to you".
I froze, thinking about it.
"Will you be there with me?" I asked softly and she smiled sweetly at me.
"The whole time" she added and I nodded. If she was there with me, I could have found the courage to do anything.
"I can... Come with you" I said and we walked together toward the stairs and then into the beanery. Voices, jokes and laughs sounded in the air and I got closer to Maya, walking a couple of steps behind her.
"Nineteen! We still have thirteen hours left on our shift, so try to rest as much as possible between calls" Maya spoke and everyone looked at her, sometimes turning their attention to me.
Maya was talking about fire stuff that I didn't understand to her team, but at one point of the conversation, Hughes, the woman that was at the desk the first time that I've been there, stopped her.
"Captain?" she said and Maya focused her attention on her "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I can't ignore it anymore. Why is the kid from last time here?".
"I was getting there Hughes..." the blonde answered and I chuckled "She is Hailee Donovan. You're all going to see her often because Carina and I are fostering her".
Silence filled the room and I started to think that they weren't happy for their captain. Maybe they thought that Maya and Carina deserved way better than me. Maybe they were right...
"Firehouse baby!" someone yelled excitedly, making everyone jump from their seats. They were happy for Maya, and one of them, the one at the desk earlier, hugged her with joy.
After that moment of happiness, I got a bit overwhelmed by the noise, so I got closer to Maya, searching for peace.
"Guys! Quiet please" the captain asked and they all did as they were told. Under their mesmerized eyes, Maya started to whisper comforting words in my ear, and my shoulders relaxed.
"Look at mommy Maya" a guy said and Maya rolled her eyes with a laugh. She didn't correct him though, and if I had to be honest, I didn't want her to correct him. I didn't know why, but it felt right. Maybe too soon, but surely right.
"So she's a Mini-Bishop?" Hughes asked, and everyone agreed with her.
"Guys come on. Let her be" Maya scolded them and I giggled at their interaction.
"Mai don't be a pain in the ass" Hughes said "So Mini-Bishop, can we call you Mini-Bishop?".
A couple of weeks ago I would have said no to that question, because every foster family kept me with them only for a short period of time, but Maya and Carina had reassured me more than once that I was there to stay.
"Yeah. I guess you can call me that if you want" I answered and I felt Maya's gaze on me. Suddenly the blood rushed into my cheeks and I turned red...
"Okay so, I know that you have homeworks to do, but I wanted to introduce you to my team. They are Vic, Andy, Theo, Jack, Ben and Travis" at Maya's words my eyes scanned the room, trying to connect names and faces.
"Now that you know them, you need to study or Carina will kick my butt when she'll come to pick you up later" Maya said and I nodded.
"Mommy Maya, you are no fun" Vic whined "Let her stay here with us a bit longer".
I liked them, I really did, but Maya knew that I was still nervous to be around a big and loud group of people, such as her team.
"You all have chores to do" she answered back as I took her hand. Together we started to walk toward her office, but as we were leaving the beanery I heard Vic and Travis say something that warmed my heart.
"Welcome to the family Mini-Bishop" they said, and that simple sentence brought a wide smile on my face.
That feeling was definitely something that I wanted to get used to...

A.N. Let me know what you think about it.

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