Chapter 2 - Inhumane Practice

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You're standing outside the lab now, the quality control check having gone well despite those fuckers at Production giving you weird looks.

Entering the lab, you made your presence known and ordered sanitation down at Room 3. They followed your orders right on time, seeing as how it was 9:05.

"No later than 9:15. And it is currently 9:05." Wally said as he strode into the room, brushing his hair over his shoulder. Not in a way where it looked cool, but in a way where strands falling in his face seemed to vex him quite a bit.

"You haven't fucked up yet. Let's see how you handle this next bit." He continued darkly, a sadistic grin on his face. You suddenly remember that this could go from fascinating to sickening very quickly.
The sadistic expression faded, though, when he went to address a small and very frightened-looking scientist.
"Bring him in. Have him in every damn restraint we can physically put him in. I'm sure you're aware of his... violent nature."

The small scientist stammered nervously before replying, "Yes, sir, right away," and scurrying off.

A few minutes later, when you and Wally were discussing the color scheme of a laundry detergent brand, the little scientist came back.

"Personally," Wally said, "I think their color scheme is a very bold marketing decision, because with how striking their color choice is, you can't help but think of it when you see orange and blue paired- yes? What do you want?" He addressed the small scientist suddenly, snapping around to look at them.

"T-the subject is- is ready, sir." They stammered, and a wave of empathy came over you for them. They look so scared, the poor thing.

"So shall we?" You asked, standing up to leave.

"Shall you," He corrected, cold in his demeanor as he stood up to follow you.

As you walked down the lab halls with Wally to your eventual destination, you found peace in the silence, the only sound your footfalls in sync with his, nothing else really to talk about. To your dismay, a question popped in the back of your mind, and gnawed at you until it eventually hit the air.

"What did they do?" You blurted out suddenly, and Wally looked at you with mild confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his attention returning to what was ahead, looking very disinterested in your question.

"I mean, what did they do to deserve experimentation? I highly doubt you set aside a new subject for a simple assistant."
You paused, attempting to gather the words in your mind.
"How badly did they fuck up to end up on the receiving end of the lab?"

Wally sighed, and you wondered if that was the wrong question to ask. In this facility, there are right and wrong responses, and there are right and wrong questions. This might have been one of them.

"Well, if I remember right, this one had a psychotic break and tried to kill Poppy. I don't know why it was Poppy, she's the only genuinely happy one we have here, but let's just say I didn't take that too nicely."

As Wally spoke, you felt a sudden hit of regret at asking.

"Oh, shit. Yeah, I remember that guy. Sorry."

"No, you're fine. Let's just get this fucking thing over with and then I can get back to work."

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