Chapter 32 - Inheritance

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After everything was cleaned up, and all bodies were disposed of (except for Walden's) you had gone back to your quarters, and that's where you were for a whole week. The factory had given everyone a week off due to the sudden attack.

Your phone was being blown up by almost everyone, especially Julie.

Why Julie instead of Sally, you had no idea, but you ignored the texts in favor of grieving and hiding in your many blankets, a little depression cave for one miserable puppet.

One day, though, someone actually bothered to call you. This conversation wasn't going too well, though.

"What the fuck do you mean you lost his body?!" You shouted to the worker on the phone, furious.

"I don't know, it's just gone! We left him in the labs-"

"THE LABS?!" You snapped at them. What kind of fucking idiot would put a body in the labs?!

"I want every damn hall, every damn room searched. Do you understand?"

You demanded, in a full-blown rage. It only saddened you when you realized you sounded just like Walden.

"Y-yes, it'll be done."

"If you don't find Walden, I hope you fucking know that nobody is going to find you."

Then you hung up. Flopping back down on your bed, you curled back up in your blankets, tears stinging in your eyes as you felt a sense of guilt, painful as the emotion seemed to stab you.

Was it your fault?

Was his death caused by your incompetence?

He wouldn't have gotten shot if you never left that roof.

"Damn it." You seethed quietly, and you couldn't help but cry again. You were so happy alongside him. You made him happy as well, why must it have been torn from you?

Then there was a knock at your door.

Begrudgingly answering, you saw Barnaby standing there, and he didn't look too well himself.

"Sorry to bother ya, Neighbor, but erm... we've talked it over and... you're inheriting the factory."


"Yeah. Erm, you're his assistant, you know how everything goes, and you were his partner, so it makes sense. Um... see you tomorrow, on the job, I guess?"

You nodded.


Shutting the door and walking back over to your bed, you couldn't help but wonder if your story was over.

If your happy ever after was stolen.

No, no, Walden wouldn't want this. You need to stop moping, you need to run that factory just as well as he did.

You'll be damned if you let that factory go to shambles.

The next day, you got up with a purpose and went to work.

In the factory, sitting down where Walden should be, you sighed exasperatedly.

Starting on the paperwork, everything was fine. Filling out reports, cataloging files, until one paper caught your eye.

A death report.

The name printed on it?

Walden Darling.

You told yourself you weren't going to cry today, and you tried to keep that promise as your hand gripped the pen you were holding, hovering just above the paper. You gave up on it, stashing the file in your desk.

You'll do it later.

Running the factory is going to be difficult, but don't worry, your story, his story, isn't over.

~~The end~~

There's gonna be a sequel!!! Look out for that you guys!!!.

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