Chapter 3 - Sociopathy

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(A/N: just so u guys know you all are going to get fucking wrecked by working at that mf factory :3 good luck)

You entered the experimentation room, the subject looking to be a mutilated reduction of a middle aged man. He cursed you and Wally, writhing and trying to get out. That wasn't going to work to well for him, and Wally seemed to know that, leaning down to speak to the scared thing.

"Hello again."

The test subject responded so fast, you couldn't tell what he was saying, aside from a few curses.

"I'd ask you how you've been, but I don't care. You know why you're here."

Wally straightened up and turned to face you.

"Neighbor, get the treatment and set up about... hm... fifteen milliliters."

As you did so, you wondered if he was genuinely going to use all of this for one guy. With the amount he was using, there were possible side effects of overdose, seizures, not anything good.

"Here it is, sir." You showed it to him, and he handed you a pair of blue nitrile gloves.

"I'll step out of your way."

He moved to the other side of the room, and after putting on your gloves, you picked up the first syringe, steadying your hands as you observed the administration area.

'Here goes nothing. Aside from possibly my job,' You thought to yourself as you stuck him, and you heard him seethe in pain.

The second one's effect took a little while, the test subject started to look dazed, becoming oddly quiet as he stopped struggling.

The last one was what shocked you. There was no reaction from his deadened, sedated eyes as you stuck him, but in a few moments the subject's eyes became suddenly alert, searching the room and filled with horror. He looked at you, and you could see he was mortified to his very marrow.

"Please spare me, I'm sorry, please don't do this again, I can't take this anymore! I shouldn't have done what I did, I have a daughter-"

He began to cough, and you could see the red tinge of blood falling from between his lips as the sound of his agony was the only thing you could hear- it was disgusting- but eventually the choking stopped, and he was dead.

"Well..." You said, unable to take your eyes off of the corpse. It was confusing, how much it revolted you to look at it, but how you still stared, the words 'I have a daughter' ringing through your head.
"That was a little more fucked up than I expected."

Wally looked unphased by what you said.

"He had it coming. Trying to kill one of my senior employees, the fucking idiot."

"He had a daughter, Mr. Darling."

"Does it look like I give two fucks about that?" Wally turned around to face you angrily, as if you had said something stupid.
"No. I don't. He should have thought about that before trying to kill my my best fucking infirmary worker. I expected my assistant to be tougher than this."

"You're right. Sorry." You responded, quietly.

"You bet your damn job you're sorry. I'm not going to have my assistant going soft, you understand? Do you want some Production worker to shove you in the grinder for being soft? I don't give a shit what your damn pronouns are, man the fuck up."

You really didn't know what to say? What nerve did you touch to turn him into such a bitch all of a sudden?

"Yes, sir. You won't hear another word about it."

You turned around to fill out the reports for the experiment. All you wanted to do was go home, today's been so emotionally draining, it's unbelievable.

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