Chapter 25 - Darling

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(here's another morsel for you simps. I got bored so I wrote, completely ignoring the fact that I said I might not post [I'm taking care of myself dw] but yeah. Feast, your simp father has provided a meal)

After you had spent your morning at the cemetery, the awkwardness fading and a simple sweet atmosphere replacing the distance you felt.

"Thank you for coming with me, Neighbor."

He said, breaking your steady stream of talkative happiness and bad puns with a sincere admittance.

"No problem. I'm happy to be there for you." You replied, watching every flicker on his face as he drove you two back to the factory.

"May I ask why?" Walden inquired, sounding less curious and more pained. It saddened you, practically feeling the insecurity radiating off of him.

"Well. I care about you. Yes, you can be rude, but that doesn't stop you from being kind. Your strength is an admirable quality, but even soldiers must rest, must speak their minds. Achilles had Patroclus to talk to, and in the myth he was the greatest soldier in all of Ancient Greece. When Patroclus died, he went off the rails. Without an outlet, you spiral. See what I mean?"

He nodded in understanding, looking crestfallen.

"So all you are is an outlet? That's all you want to be?"

"No! I didn't mean it like that, are you talking about our chat in the rain? Are you asking why I said that I loved you?"

He had pulled into the parking lot of the factory, allowing the conversation to continue and the car to idle.

"Yes! What the hell do you see in me, Neighbor? I'm not saying I'm not happy, but I need to know if you're being honest. I'm not talking to you as an employee right now."

He turned over to you, looking you dead in the eye as he brought his hand to rest on your cheek. Genuine fear shone in his usually dark gaze.

"I'm talking to you as a friend. Maybe a partner? I'm just finding it hard to believe the one who's kept me sane and productive for years feels the same way I do."

You paused. You can see it all so clearly right now. He's scared to get close, scared you'll disappear and leave him reeling.

Like Ophelia. Died suddenly and left him reeling.

"Why would I lie? I'm not going anywhere, Walden. I'll be here, always. You have nothing to fear from me. I'd be completely willing to say this all as a partner, if you're willing to accept it in that context." You smiled, leaning into his hand in a way that suggested you were reciprocating his affections.

His eyes lit up, and before you could process anything, anything at all he pulled you in, and you realized with a jolt of electricity in your fingertips that he had kissed you. That he was currently kissing you.

Oh, shit.

The sensation was dizzying- it felt as if the strands of reality were crumbling and all that was left was this moment. Everything seemed to stop and pause, to give you two your own personal timeline, where everything was frozen, except for the two of you. It was beautiful.

The two of you separated, and Wally immediately and quickly withdrew himself, covering his mouth.

"I am so sorry, I got a bit carried away there." He admitted with a flushed and nervous complexion. You chuckled, quite a bit flustered yourself.

"No, no, you're just fine." You dismissed, waving away the thought of offense. You didn't mind, not at all. "So does this make us...?"

He shrugged, his hands going to rest in his lap. "I suppose so?"

You laughed again, and he looked at you, confused.

"What's so funny?"

"We sound like a couple of kids, is all."

He nodded, his complexion still stained with a pink tinge.

"You're right, we do. That's a bit ironic, considering I've been in a relationship before. Um, we should- we should probably go inside."

He said, and you concurred. "Yeah, you're right. See you at work Monday?"

You asked him once you got out of the car, and he smiled and shook his head, his soft-looking navy curls bouncing around a bit.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. I run the place, after all."

You smile at him, nodding.

"See you around, Wally."

"See you around, Neighbor."

Then you went back to your dorm to process what all just happened. Maybe you knew what to do with your Saturdays now.

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