Chapter 8 - Importance

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(Not me having already done 3 chapters today as of starting writing this 😭 help I'm a dumbass)

You instantly panicked, and so did Poppy. You haven't seen him this angry since... since there was an assassination attempt on her.

"Neighbor, you're leaving. Now. Do they have a clean bill of health from you, Poppy?" He referred to her sharply, and she nodded.

"I can't find anything wrong with the poor sprout. You okay, Wally, dear?"

He exhaled, not in annoyance, just in an attempt to seem calm. You notice he might be a bit more vulnerable towards Poppy.

"Yes, Poppy, I'm just fine. Something down in the lab went wrong."

He grabbed you by the wrist and began to lead you away. It was not a kind touch, it was more indifferent and almost panicked. He refrained from ever touching anyone, so this made you very concerned.

"Sir, what happened?"

He glanced at you, with a flash of fear in his eyes.

"...A test subject escaped. A very erratic one."

He seemed to have more to say, but he shut himself up before he did continue. Getting near the lab entry, there were red lights and alarms and very, very secure doors. He still had a grip on your wrist as he fished a keycard from his pocket, opening the large metal doors. He lead you into the security room, observing where the subject was in the lab. Letting go of your wrist (you noticed he was typing and doing all of this single-handedly) he looked at you with deadly seriousness.

"Close the doors and lock them."

You lock the doors to the Security room, and Wally begins to press himself against the door. He motions for you to watch the cameras and you obey, panic, adrenaline, all the bad things all at once. You see the subject trying to run to the lab entrance, but it closes too soon. He rounds onto the next hall, getting closer and closer to where you and Wally reside. He can't be able to tell where they are, right? He can't see in, there are no windows.

You realize Wally casts a shadow from under the door.


The subject began to try to break down the door, Wally bracing himself against the repeated blows. His prosthetic made thin claw marks in the wall as the wood began to splinter. You looked for the nearest self defense weapon, a scalpel, a tranquilizer, something.

Why would there be a tranquilizer in the camera rooms?

The subject broke in, sending Wally stumbling for a moment before he regained his senses, trying to defend himself. You felt as if you were frozen. You didn't feel like you could help.

Then you saw the flash of a blade dripping crimson. Oh, hell no.

The subject tried to raise it to stab Wally, but you ran in front, holding their arm just inches from your face. You struggled, and Wally seemed to know what to do, he went over to try and apprehend him from the other side.

He shook off your grasp, the scalpel reigning down on it's designated target.

Your eye.

With a shrill scream of pain, the scalpel was dislodged from your eye, brought down again to sink into your shoulder.

From what you could see, Wally looked absolutely livid.

The subject had ripped the weapon from your shoulder, and Wally took advantage of that, seizing their arm and taking it back, slicing their throat open.

The subject fell to the floor, and you stumbled away, dizzy and confused.

"M-Mr. Darling... "

He rushed over to you, looking terrified.

"Yes, Neighbor, I know, we're going to get you to the infirmary. Come on, keep walking,"

He coaxed gently, leading you half-blind and dazed through the halls, and eventually your legs had fallen out from underneath you, fatigue permeating your entire body.

"We need to get up, please, Neighbor,"

Wally tried to continue to coax you, kneeling down to where you had fallen. You wanted to respond, but you were so short of breath that even trying to stutter some form of syllables was tiring.

"I... i- no, I..."

He shushed you, seeming to get a hold on the situation. He picked you up with ease, carrying you to the Infirmary. It was so comfortable, you just wanted to close your eyes and take a nap but every time you tried Wally would snap at you.

"Don't you close your fucking eyes. No. No. Keep them open."

He kept reassuring you and/or reprimanding you as he carried you to the Infirmary, repeatedly instructing you to focus on his voice. It helped keep you aware.

You couldn't really see all that well, but you heard a gasp that you immediately recognized as Poppy.

"Oh, no, no, my little sprout... Wally, what happened?"

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