Chapter 7 - Partridge

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"So, they threw my girlfriend in the grinder?"

A security guard asked a petite yet wicked looking Production worker.

"Mhm. Wally didn't even bat an eyelash."

"As usual. Fucking prick and his bitchy assistant."

You set down your cup of coffee and approached the two who were standing in the doorway of the break room.

"Fine night to catch up with friends, isn't it, gentlemen?"

You asked suavely, placing your hands on each of the men's shoulders.

"You killed my fucking girlfriend, you fucking bastard."

You smiled.

"And you called my boss a prick. Run along before you meet her."

They ran off, and you went to sit back down in the break room, still sipping your coffee and waiting for Sally to arrive. You had really taken Wally's advice about not being soft to heart, and it showed useful in being respected by your inferiors. Wally had been a little more docile ever since you did, and it really made you happy everything was going along smoothly.

Eventually, Sally arrived.

"Hey bestie babygirl pookie bear, I only have like thirty minutes so we need to make the most of it." Sally said, and the nickname 'babygirl' sent you reeling laughing.

"Babygirl? Really?"

"Duh! What else am I supposed to call my bestie? Speaking of calling... what's up with the dear old boss man?" She asked, smirking as if she knew that Wally had nothing to do with the word 'calling'.

"Oh, we're just splendid! He hasn't even called me a dumbass yet today. He actually said he was proud of me for pushing that poor girl in the grinder." You explained, sharing the news with a happy smile. You didn't get a lot of validation, so validation, especially from him was dizzying with dopamine.

"Oh, okay... proud of you..?"

"When I first came to this facility, I was a spineless little fucker. Got pushed around and let it happen."

You pause, wondering how much you really trust Sally.

"Can I trust you with a secret?"

Sally's face lit up with empathy, seeing your solemn expression.

"Yes, completely. I won't tell nobody."

You lower your voice, hoping nobody was listening.

"A lot of people in Production used to slap me around a bit when I first got hired, and Wally was the one to find the bruises. I actually cried in front of him, heh. It's kinda embarrassing,"

You confided, the memory of Wally looking at you mildly confused coming back. The memory of you choking through sobs as you told him the things they said to you, about you, what they did to you. You're lucky you didn't end up with physical scars because of it.

"Oh. Fuck, man, I'm sorry. They really did that to you?" Sally asked, and she looked genuinely unaware of what happened.
"Wally told me he needed to have a talk with some of my employees a little while after you were hired. They ended up fine, so I shrugged it off. If I had known, I would have torn them a new one."

You smiled, a wave of friendly affection for Sally coming over you.

"Thanks a lot, Sally."

A little alarm went off on her watch, and she patted your shoulder, looking remorseful.

"I gotta go girliepop, catch you around."

"See you around bestie!" You called after her as she left. A sudden feeling of regret stormed in your chest. Had you been too soft? Oh, what if she told anyone else? What if Wally heard about what you told Sally? Would he hurt you? No, no, no, no. You're being soft again. Calm it down. Cool off. Detached. There we go.

Your break was over by that point, and you were much more focused. Then your walkie-talkie had gone off, and for some reason, Poppy was calling you to the infirmary.

Arriving at the infirmary, Poppy immediately took major concern to you.

"Oh, dearie... First falling asleep at your desk, now this..."

"Whatcha mean, Poppy?" You asked as she examined you for any illness or injury at all.

"You pushed someone in the grinder! The girl who received it wasn't going to make it, I'm not concerned, but do you know how dangerous being right next to that is? Shrapnel of bone could fly off and stab you! I had someone lose an eye to it! My dear, please, please be careful." She fawned, and you felt a very motherly aura from her.

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me." You reasoned, patting her on the forearm.

"Oh, Neighbor, please! You sound like Wally."

You felt sudden remorse at seeing her be so stressed.

"Okay, Poppy, I'll be more careful."

Suddenly, Wally came storming in, looking pissed to no end.

"Neighbor! We need to talk."

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