Chapter 21 - Promotion

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You were following Wally through the halls to his office, he had e-mailed you the previous day saying he had good news, but you didn't expect him to lead you away personally, after having done a monthly maintenance on the grinder. Poor thing had seen some shit this month.

"I don't usually see you this happy, did Jeremy die?" You asked, referring to an incompetent Production worker who always seemed to manage to tick Wally off, but never fuck up so royally as to deserve the grinder, no matter how much Wally wanted to give him that treatment.

"Even better. I'm quite enthused to see your reaction." He said, and you could tell he was being vague on purpose.

"Come on, Mr. Darling, stop with the secrets and tell me already!" You tried to persuade, but he simply shook his head.

"Patience is not your virtue, I can see that now." He said mockingly, a smirk on his face.

"Hey!" You complained indignantly, turning the corner to Wally's office.

Once you two were inside, you noticed a small box on Wally's desk, and something white folded over the arm of Wally's office chair. He sat down in his rightful place, gesturing to the seat across from his desk.

You sat down across from him, and he tapped his nails on the table, looking unusually energized. He didn't smile, but you could just tell.

"So. You know how you've been doing more lab work with me recently?"


"Well..." He said, obviously drawing this out.

"Get on with it!" You complained in a lighthearted manner, honestly quite excited yourself.

"I'm proud to say you're no longer my assistant. You've been promoted to a senior employee, and your jurisdiction will be over the west wing, which houses the major laboratories. That also includes the intensive study units. Julie will be moved to Manufacturing."

He explains, and you suddenly realize why he was so thrilled.

"The west wing? Like I'm running the whole damn place?! Oh my fucking god this is amazing! I never- I never thought I'd get so far in this facility..."

You were enthralled with the idea. Making progress in science, true, genuine, real progress.

"I knew you'd be excited. And as my new coworker, you're going to have a badge, a keycard, and your own personal lab coat with your information embroidered on it."

He continued to speak, and you suddenly knew what the box and white thing was. He slid the box across his desk over to you, and moved the crisp, new lab coat from the place on the arm of his office chair over to you.

"This... oh my god... Is this even real? You've gotta be pranking me..." You mumbled as you opened the little box with the Rainbow Factory's emblem, laying your eyes on a badge with your name, and a keycard with your name and a barcode. The card wore the Factory's emblem too.

"No, Neighbor. I don't do 'pranks' or anything of the sort. This is genuine, you're one of my right-hand men now."

You smirked at him.

"So I can drop the Mr. Darling? Is it Walden now?"

He didn't seem to take that kindly.

"Fuck no, Neighbor. On the job, in this facility, I am referred to as Mr. Darling, sir, the like. Some call me 'boss'. But never Walden. You're lucky I didn't throw you in the grinder when you called me Walden during our second talk at the Spectra Falls."

He had a dangerous tone to his voice, so you dropped the little joke.

"Sorry, Mr. Darling. Um, you said that Julie was getting moved to Manufacturing. Why?"

Manufacturing was at the exact opposite of  Production and his office, you knew the place by heart. They're literally cut off from each other, separated from each other by the Spectra pools. You can't cross into either side, you have to go around, and nobody wants to walk that far.

"...It fits her skill set. That's all." He said coldly, and you had a feeling it had to do with their talk about Ophelia.

You nodded in understanding, and he sighed heavily.

"You'll be working the west wing in two weeks' time. For now, you're still my assistant. Don't slack off because you've been promoted."

"No, sir. You want me to run you a coffee?" You asked him, and he nodded.

"Yes, please. Have a good rest of your day, Neighbor, and don't forget your little box and your lab coat." He reminded you, and you affirmed him with a little "Mhm! You too!" as you carried your things away and out of his office.

Placing your new belongings to your office, you wondered if you would have a new office. How often would you see Sally, or Wally? Oh, no. What if you two didn't have any time to talk? You and Sally, to be specific. What if you and Wally didn't see each other?

"If I don't hate you, then I'll love you."

Those stupid words floated to the top of your mind again, and you wondered if he really meant it. He was a cruel, cold, loveless murderer. But he obviously couldn't be loveless if he had a daughter.  Did he have room in his little heart for you, or did the scars of his ex-wife and daughter take up all the space?

You thought you knew how he felt when you got your happiness back. Maybe not.

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