Chapter 31 - The Storm Passes On

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(I am so sorry please forgive me)

You were on the roof of the factory, pistol in hand as the cartel members had began to trickle out of the forest. There were a bunch of them, and you didn't know if they were armed. But unfortunately for them, so were you.

Coming out from your hiding spot for a brief second, you quickly took out three of them before pressing yourself against your cover again. You had seen Walden down there for a split second, and it was genuinely surprising how many he had managed to take out on his own. Maybe this isn't the best spot.

You had dashed down through the empty Factory halls, to the Production floor where the intruders had managed to get in. You aimed from your little hiding spot and with a sharp push of the pistol's kickback, one was down. Blood was everywhere, you knew that the cleaners would be paid overtime for this, the poor things. Focus!

You had managed to sneak past with everyone distracted by the bloodshed. You needed to find Walther. Maybe if you could find him and convince him that he can join the factory, then he could order the cartel back. You knew that it wasn't that simple, but nonetheless you found him, a man who looks almost identical to Walden, only with shorter hair and a shorter stature.

You snuck up on him, pressing the barrel of your firearm against his neck, whispering dangerously.

"Hey, Walther. Why don't you come with me for a minute?"

He had genuine fear in his eyes as you lead him into an empty hallway. Eventually, he spoke up.

"So are you gonna kill me?" He had a vague accent to his voice, you didn't bother to try and place it, though, as you still brandished the gun at him.

"No. Not yet. Just talk to me for a minute, then you go free. Do you know a man named Walden Darling?"

Walther seemed terrified at this point as he slowly nodded.

"Yes... I do. What game are you playing at?"

"Well, Walden, as you may or may not know, runs the fucking factory."

He took a few steps back.

"What the hell? No he doesn't! He's my brother that went missing!"

"That's the whole reason why he's missing! The factory lets not a single damn soul through its gates, and your brother, the man you've been trying to kill is no exception!" You snapped at him, your voice raising.
"And now, you're coming with me to make sure he doesn't die."

Walther didn't seem to be scared anymore, it was replaced with determination.

"Yes, let's go."

Practically dragging Walther outside, you saw Walden, he wasn't holding up well, he seemed fatigued as he still tried to hold off his attackers. Walther went to pull his men off of your boss, and you ran over to him.

Before you could process what was going on, a cartel member hit you hard in the side of the head, sending you to the ground, the pistol Walden gave you slipping from your grasp.

They grabbed it,

The split second of realization,

And bang.

A shout of agony could be heard, and Walther cursing loudly in what you thought  was Spanish as you regained your senses, standing to your feet.

Then you saw him, saw Walden, on the floor drenched in his own blood. It seemed to have been a chest wound, from what you observed as you rushed over to him, holding him in a comforting manner as your vision swam with tears.

"Walden, listen to me, okay?" You tried to give him a strong smile as he hissed through his teeth in pain. "We're gonna get Poppy, she'll fix you up, okay? You're gonna be just fine." You whispered, and he shook his head.

"No... no, Neighbor, listen. I love you, alright? I don't have much time." He said, and you instantly knew why you had been so fearful for him. Part of you was expecting this.

"I love you too, Wally, you're gonna be just fine. Don't move, alright?" You reassured him, taking your lab coat and pressing it to his wound. His breath was even, he seemed perfectly calm, aside from the fact that he had tears in his eyes as well.

Walden leaned his head into the protective embrace you gave him as you tried to stop the bleeding, tears rolling down your face. You noticed he attempted to allow his eyes to softly close, and you reprimanded him with a sharp "Keep your eyes open!"

He looked as if he was trying, but his pulse was too soft and his breathing was too shallow, and it seemed like any moment he could go.

"I love you," You whispered to him as you pulled him closer, pressing one last kiss to his forehead as he responded with a rasp to his voice.

"Love you too," You heard softly from him.

Then he was gone. His pulse had died out, his breathing stopped. He used his last breath of air to tell you what he did. Now you held helplessly the body of the man you loved in your arms, sobbing. You felt as if everything had crumbled around you, looking into his crimson eyes and seeing none of that life that once was in them. You'd take anything at this point, a cold glare, anything but the emptiness that only reminded you that Walden was gone.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, and suddenly you were furious.

"Don't you touch me!" You snarled at the person, and they recoiled. You realized it was Walther, who also had tear stains on his face.

Tears continued to fall, and the cartel members had left. The job was done.

The love of your life was dead.

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