Chapter 15 - The Reason Why

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Walden Darling's Point of View

Recently, I had been trying my hardest to deter my assistant. Ever since they... said things to me at the Spectra Falls, I've been trying to put them off. Make them realize I'm not a good person. A good heart? I mean, sure, I've been kind, but there is nothing beyond survival. I care for their survival. That's it.

"God damn it, Walden, you know you're a fucking liar," I whispered to myself angrily.

I cared about them. I really did, and I fucking hate it. I despise it. It's only gonna slow me down. But, ironically, I haven't been able to focus ever since the incident. It's a fucking mess. Every time I try to think, for one damn second, I think of what they would say in reaction, and I say some dumb shit because of it. I tripped up on my words today. Stuttered! I fucking stuttered! It was so embarrassing.

Getting up from my desk, I began to pace, mumbling to myself. I don't want to think about it, but that moment where they showed me their prosthesis... I wasn't talking about the prosthesis. They truly did look beautiful removing all that medical stuff and showing their face. The scarring, the imperfections, everything. It vexes me to no end. Annoys me, practically enrages me. The damned dove and their fucking face, it's so annoying. I just want to work.

"And they're a pleasant person! They don't tick me off! And they're pretty? What the fuck?"

I rambled, still pacing. Then I felt a presence. Oh, fuck no. I walked over to my office door, opening it.

I heard a shifting of fabric.

I snatched this intruder by the collar, blind rage coursing through my veins.

"Who the actual FUCK- Sally?"

It was Sally. The rat listening to me talk about Neighbor was Sally. Holy hell.

"Oooohhh, Waldeeen! Spill the teaaa!" She squealed, and I yanked her into my office, slamming the door.

"How much did you hear?" I demanded angrily, and she smirked at me.

"Well, they're pretty, and they're pleasant... That's all I know."

I sighed. Thank god.

"If this gets out to Neighbor- fuck- I mean- if this gets out to anyone..."

I trailed off as she squealed again, doing that little flappy hand thing that she does when she's really happy or touches a bad texture.

"Neighbooor! Oooohhhh, Waldeeeen! You charming bachelor-"

"Shut up! It's not like that! Am I not allowed to find someone nice? That's it! That's all!"

I reprimanded, wanting to melt into the wall from embarrassment. Or maybe throw someone into the grinder. Since melting isn't physically possible, it's very hard to contain the urge.

"Well, not usually. The only one you really like is Barnaby, and you don't even do this about Barnaby. Face it, Wally! Face it!"

She said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"No! There's nothing to face! And- and if there were, I wouldn't do it! Absolutely not, it's unprofessional!" I retaliated, and she giggled with joy.

"If this gets out," I continued, trying to put my scary face back on, "I won't even throw you in the grinder, I'll just beat the absolute hell out of you until you beg to be put in the grinder." I snarled, and she put her hands up in submission.

"Okay, okay! You won't hear anything about this from anyone else. But I still can't get over it! Neighbor! Oh my goodness!"

"Friends. Friends. That's it. Friendly friends, pals, what the fuck ever. Friends."

"Mhm. Bye, lover boy!" She twirled her fingers at me before leaving.

"Remember our little chat, Starlet!" I called out to her, a snarl of malice in my voice.

Shutting the door, I put my hands in my face, removing them to rub my temples, realizing I had a killer headache.

"Pals, huh, Walden? Fuuun."

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