Chapter 10 - Julianne

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(A/N: I actually researched how ocular prosthetics are made for this fanfiction you're welcome <3)

After that, you tried to pretend as if it never happened, but occasionally the humiliation would resurface for a few seconds upon remembering it and make you want to tear your hair out. But, you'll be fine, you'll get over it.

Recently, you had a prosthetic eye custom ordered, and you had been super excited about that, seeing as it was so fucking annoying to get a goddamn mold of your fucking eye socket done. But nonetheless you were stoked, and you also kinda wanted to see Wally's reaction at how unequivocally cool this thing is supposed to be. It's a surprise, though, and I can't spoil it by describing it in an inner monologue to you.

What came to mind then, as you knocked on the door to Wally's office, was what Sally said to you behind closed doors. Said rumors about how that escaped test subject had history with Wally, how that test subject was, possibly, his former assistant. Sally couldn't tell you much, she didn't know the details, but it was the latest words going around Production.

"Come in." You heard Wally affirm to you, sounding tired and ready to leave, even though it wasn't even noon yet. Poor guy.

"Here's the coffee you asked for, sir." You say in a chipper fashion, passing it to him with a smile. He nodded vaguely, taking a small sip and setting it next to him. You still have no idea how that isn't painful for him, you literally just made that. Does 'hot' mean nothing to him?

You realized the atmosphere was a bit awkward as the soft clicking of his computer was the only sound in the room as he typed- pausing to look up at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Neighbor? What do you want?"

"O-oh, nothing, I just spaced out. Um, I'll let you be." You explained, and he nodded soundlessly, going back to his work.

You did want something, though, you thought to yourself as you left. You didn't want to see that guy so damn miserable. It was upsetting, for some reason. Just made your blood boil. There's a big difference between being detached and being a fucking wreck, and today he seemed well into 'fucking wreck' territory.

"Hey, hey, you!"
A woman ran up to you, she had little horns on her head and her hair was long and actually really pretty. It took you a minute to realize she wasn't happy.

"You're Darling's assistant, right? Well I need these filled out and back to my lab by tomorrow, and I really do not feel like going down there myself."
She said in a dark tone, as if there was a hint she wanted you to get, but you just took the files from her, looking very confused as to why she was being so rude.

"Might I ask who you are? I've worked here for years and I've never seen you before."

"Julianne Joyful, it's a pleasure. I operate in the west wing, where the real labs are at, not your puny little one that's got rascals running out of it."

Oh, no she fucking didn't.

"Actually," You began, making it obvious she touched a nerve, "the subject never got out of the lab. They were contained shortly after they took my fucking eye out of commission permanently and stabbed me in the damn shoulder."

Miss Joyful instantly had a sudden look of regret on her face, and it served her right, the damn bitch slandering the place where you lost your eye.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know. I didn't mean to invalidate your feelings like that."

Wait, what? Invalidating your feelings? There's a phrase for that? Like this is a legit apology? Alright, maybe she isn't such a bitch.

"Thank you, Ms. Joyful. I appreciate it. The name's Neighbor, by the way."

"That's a new one. Haven't met any of those before."

"I haven't met any Joyfuls either."

She chuckles, and you felt like you made the right choice to not hate her, she seems real sweet when she wants to be.

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