Chapter 11 - Color Theory

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After that whole incident with Julianne, you were on break in your office, enjoying a nice cup of coffee in your lonesome when your little walkie-talkie beeped, Mr. Darling's voice sounding through the little device.

"Neighbor, report to my office immediately."

Ah, shit. What does he want now?

You walked down to his office, opening the door gingerly. He was probably going to have your head mounted on his wall for some dumb shit like not dotting an I correctly.

"Yes, sir?"

He was filling out paperwork, referring to his computer every so often to write something down on the form.

"You're on break, right?" He asked, his tone flat.

"Yes, sir." You responded, equally as flatly.

"Alright then. Seeing as how you're doing more lab work with me, I'm going to take you down to the Spectra pools for some observation. Don't give me that look," he complained as you rolled your eyes.
"There's no screaming at the Spectra pools."

That seemed alluring. No screaming, and pretty colors? You were highly intrigued.

"Do go on." You said, curious.

"Alright then. Also, no, you cannot swim in the Spectra pools. Well, you could, but you'd either get shot by Security, shoved in the grinder by me, or..." He smiled, his canines flashing in the light as he attempted to make his point very clear.
"You suffer a horrible, slow, painful death."

"Oh-kay, then. Noted." You said, more off-put than scared. Why was he trying to be so scary? You weren't thinking of it.

He stood up, the smile vanishing as he held his hands behind his back.

"Let us leave now." He said, opening his office door and striding out, leaving you to catch up.

You noticed, as you walked through a set of double doors that reminded you quite a bit of the double doors you'd find at a hospital, that the Spectra pools were completely separated from Production, the border between Production and Manufacturing. They were a gorgeous place of their own. Wally stepped out alongside you, the first thing you see is almost a waterfall of each of the seven colors pouring out a few feet away from a balcony with a guardrail. Your eyes took in the beauty, first red, then passing through each, listening to the roar of the Spectra falling. It was all beautiful.

"Don't get too caught up in the Falls." He ordered, snatching you out of your reverie.
"Yes, they are beautiful," he continued, a hand on your shoulder and his voice dreamy, spellbound in his own little world of wonder. "We must focus, though." He lead you away, that cold tone repossessing him. So he liked colors. Obviously.

Down from the balcony, there were little artificial rivers that seemed to flow all into one place. The glow from each of the colors illuminated Wally's expression, giving him an oddly pretty look about him. What are you thinking? Calm it down! How the hell is he pretty?
'God damn, I'm getting delusional,' You thought to yourself as he lead you to the main event. The Spectra pools.

There were scientists bustling around, doing quality checks on the Spectra and allowing it to flow to Manufacturing.

"This is what we're here for." He said lowly.

It was oddly beautiful, low light allowing colorful illumination to flood the room, giving you the distinct impression of some fantasy novel. A reflection similar to the one water gives in all seven colors was spread across the ceiling. It was truly beautiful.

"Come here, Neighbor." He said, still cold as he lead you over to the pool of red Spectra.

You did so, anxious to find out what secrets about these colors he was keeping from you. What other secrets you'll find in the lab.

"You're aware of color theory, yes? Basic principles like warm and cool colors, tint, shade, the like?"

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask? What's going on?" You ask fervently, and he puts up a hand to silence you.

"Place your hand in."

"What?! Won't that contaminate it?!"

He sighs. "No, dumbass. The only thing that would make the Spectra unfit for use that you can find in this facility is certain elements and grayscaled individuals. You're not grayscaled, and you don't have lithium on your hands. Now touch the damn Spectra."

"Jeez, fine." You lower your hand into the red liquid, and it's warm, almost hot on your skin. A soft sigh of wonder escapes you, and you can see a smile break out on Wally's face, one that looked like he was trying to stifle.

"Now, dry your hand off and come see the orange." He said, that wondrous smile still glowing on his face as he hands you a rainbow-stained washcloth that was sitting on the scientists's counter. After removing the red Spectra from your hand, and allowing your fingers to sink into the orange, it's still warm, but less so, and you feel a wave of energetic excitement come over you due to the Spectra. Wally seems real happy, and that made you happy.

<part 2 coming in maybe a few hours, depending on my mood>

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