Chapter 23 - Decision

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(A/N: can you tell I really like thunderstorms??? I got a bit carried away because of the music I was listening to- have some nice fluffy romance)

Later that day, you paced about your office, confused. Did he really mean what he said? Or was it an act? What would he have gotten out of pretending to care for you that deeply? Aside from sadistic happiness out of manipulating someone. He wasn't that type of guy, though. Was he? He was unreadable, confusing. Should you approach him about it? Would he be angry? Was he scared of rejection? Of pain?

Was he like you, afraid of being pushed away, of being hurt?

It befuddled you, and part of you wanted to give up on your feelings. You really did want him to have been genuine. You never really admitted it to yourself, but you've felt that way, too. For a while.

Thunder rumbled outside as you sighed irritatedly. Rain always managed to cool your nerves, let's try that.

Outside, the rain was cool, the air humid and warm as you stood at the sidewalk. You felt the rain fall on you, dampening your hair. The grey skies were just as beautiful as a summer morning, and the sound of thunder, the lighting flashing soothing your nerves.

To your surprise, someone's footsteps clicked nearer to you, and you tried to block it out by focusing on the rain. It didn't matter. Still you stared at the storm, admiring bursts of light that made daybreak look pitiful.

"You're going to get yourself sick out here."

A familiar, cold voice said, and you turned your gaze briefly to see Wally, his lack of expression greeting you. You turned back to the thunderstorm.

"I don't care." You answered in a hushed tone, not daring to ruin the moment of the storm.

"I will admit, it is beautiful." He responded, matching your low volume. "Ah, damn, my pompadour fell out." He cursed quietly, and you turned again to see the bit of hair he put up soaking wet and falling in his face.

You chuckled, and he scowled at you in the way one does when they want to smile but are stifling it. That just made it funnier, though.

"Don't laugh at me." He ordered, running his fingers through his hair to fully undo it, then combing it out of his face. He looked nice with his hair fully down.

"But it's funny!" You teased, but you had gotten your fill and decided to stop and listen to the storm. You realized your hair was soaked as well. Eh, it'll be fine.

Then you got an idea. Should you bring up what he said in the private lab? No, it'd ruin the whole peaceful mood. But it needs to be addressed!

The clouds got darker, and the rain began to pour. You took it as a sign, now or never.

"Did you mean what you said to me in your lab? Don't pretend like you're unsure of what I'm talking about, either."

You said, and you immediately regretted it. You sounded so cruel.

"Are you asking just to torment me about it?"

"Answer the question." You demanded. "Please."

"Fine. Yes, Neighbor, I meant what I said, and I'm a total lunatic for it. Happy?"
He scowled at you, and you stood there for a moment, lightning flashing and illuminating his face as if Mother Nature was saying "Go on. Take your chance, my dear."

"Yes, I am, I'm more than happy, I'm wonderful."

Every nerve in your body was sent into overdrive with dopamine, but you stood there calmly, placing a hand on his shoulder and watching his face fall in shock.

"You... are you saying what I think you're saying?" He whispered, and you nodded.

"I love you too, Wally."

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